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Everything posted by Si

  1. Si

    Really Strange

    Mmmmm see who can complete it, im stuck on it
  2. I very much doubt it, but allen key bolts would make it much sturdy
  3. if you want straight lines hold down "alt"
  4. Go on tell us what happens, i cant reck our microwave as i wrecked the last one (Y)"
  5. If you say there good....why are you putting your plazzies back on? :ermm:
  6. My Mini My Peugeot 106 Both are half finished :)
  7. Si

    Drill My Rim

    Your front rim as a DM24 (N)
  8. Si

    Msn Messenger

    first it aint msn BETA, as i said its part of the Crystal xp pack, and iv got 15.9gb left and iv got 128mb of ram
  9. Si

    Msn Messenger

    My problem is that im using Crystal Xp's version of msn messenger but this error pops up and i cant log on, Any idea's? Thanks Si
  10. Si

    Concentration Test

    Mmmm if it was only Jordan Capri :S"
  11. Ye i suppose, but still in some issues it may be important
  12. Plus with longer cranks you dont get as much clearance
  13. Si

    Onza T-mag?2005

    It also has the new muscleman cranks
  14. I have some Sony MDR-ED21 and the quality is brilliant, far better than the iPod ones, i did play really bassy songs and eventually the iPod ones blew up so i bought these and so far even on my computer stereo they seem realy good quality * New Groove Shaped Earpiece provides wider frequency and better wearing comfort * Bass Booster delivers strong bass * Neodymium Magnet * Sony acoustic twin turbo circuit * Long bushing for comfortable fitting * Thinner housing for comfortable fit * Y shape cord * 16mm Drive Unit Neodymium Magnet * Pouch Supplied All for £18
  15. My Pimps 106 RX7 Celica What'dya think?
  16. Si


    From the album: Si's random things!

  17. Si

    Latest Picture

    From the album: Si's random things!

    black mumba
  18. Si

    Better picture

    From the album: Si's random things!

  19. Si

    ZOO Python

    From the album: Si's random things!

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