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About Smoby

  • Birthday 06/10/1994

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    Medway Bohh!

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Was going to come ride Dockside with you, but ened up staying there, wish I came now to be honest. Was pretty boring at the park though, need to get back into riding again to be honest.
  2. Sorry not been on for a while lads. I'm still attending this tomorrow (today). I will be there about 10am. Yes, it does start at 10:30am but it's always good to get there first and see what's going down . I will be on a grey adamant with the bald tyres . I need new ones. I'm only 16 so dont be shocked aha. (Never know unless you know me) So yeah, don't be scared to approach me, I don't bite.
  3. To be hoenst, i don't think anybody will try and pick you up for not wearing pads. However, i don't feel that they will stop you riding even if they did, just ensure you all bring lids!
  4. So as soon as i posted that post about probably not going down there, i went straight down there. The i got there, and realised i didnt have my camera, or even my phone, so i called up my mate, and told him to come down, and bring his camera, he came down, we took a few shots. However, now i need to wait for him to send them to me, so i cant show you them yet. Unfortunatily we didnt get to ride due to the fact that "it isn't open yet" said the builder. But was was nice and he let us come in and take shots and stuff. I should have them up tomorrow morning, just relying on that kid really. The Trials section on the other hand, does actually look pretty good, theres no need for me to describe it due to the fact that the plan above is the same. Was also told today that because the press are there you need to have pads and lids. Also today i was informed that some of the skating skums were telling people it started at 11am, so they could have a half hour skate to them selfs, so yeah, it starts at 10:30am, but i might try and get there for 10am.
  5. That is not the correct pictures of the plans. That plan is in rainham, plaza havering. This skate park will be done in the address above, i will try and get down there today and get some photos but im unsure if i'll be able to.
  6. Basically I few years back there were many people around the Rainham town who were bugging Medway council to build a skate park, people done petitions, letters, meetings, phone calls, everybody was basically trying really heard to get a skate park, and now we've got one. Its official opening is on the 21nd of November (That's a sunday) at 11AM, and your more then welcome to come, it does actually have a trials section in it, but to be honest, I don't really know much about the actual park, I do know it is concrete, and its fairly big, and quite a variety of different things, that's if its still as I saw the plans a while back. Here's some information about it.. http://democracy.med...DF.aspx?ID=5195 I haven't really had a proper research into it, but there are some mentions of Trials falsities in that document. If anybody is interested in going, then I'm going to be waiting outside Rainham station with my bike waiting for everybody (if anybody) and ill take you all up and show you the way. The local press will be there to record so im guessing its going to be on television or something? South East News or something? PS: YOU NEED TO WEAR A LID However, you will only need to wear a Helmet on this day because of the Press. Edit: Grammar Edit: Forgot to say this is in Kent South East of London
  7. Fair play, sounds like you've had a pretty good night, thats providing your not a gay?
  8. Either way I lose? "u suk" Edit: What happened to "Think.Pause.Speak"
  9. I take back what i said about it lacking, this has had a lot of thought gone into it, and i apologize for jumping to conclusions.
  10. i dnot see why sellpnig msitaeks bthoer you due to the fcat taht if the fsirt and lsat ltteer are in the crreoct pacle the hmaun bairn is still albe to raed waht is wtitern?
  11. Wheres the spelling bee gone?
  12. I remember when this thread was active every night, whats happened, all turned into light weights?
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