no worries meng. and yeah too right do all that shizzazle we got planned and aha ill be there at easter your mums already confirmed that gonna be mint aha your mum loved it helooooooooo "is that shit pipe going back up to the roof to let the bad smell out into the air? " "michael im trying to eat my lunch" lmfao you made me laugh so much and you mums reactions f**king quality cant wait to see you again nope im riding my friends adamant stock lmfao yeah we tried its f**ked squince gave it to mikey, aha he found it in his tool box scratched to fook and oil marks on it thanks for comments big boys keep em coming ........
haha i love how matt arkwright pissed all over it anyone got piccies of that? i think he rolled it but thats mr awkward for you beasty piccies though there dad
aha yeah there is mikey split it or something so it would save to the computer then when he put it back together he managed to have the last minute again wed been f**king about that long with it i couldn't be arsed to change it i just uploaded it. and yeah im coming down soon as meng been talking to clarky im going stay round his whenever hes got hols or whatever, theres a few bits and peices i would like to capture on film down there
Hey ho been at MIkeys C for the past week just a nice little mess about video filmed over a day and odd random footage, comments would be nice safe safe and all that tally ho xxx
absolute monster never seen him before but me liked that video a lot havent seen a really good video in a long time, really enjoyed everything about it nightlife bit, but was something different makes me want a stocky again
lol but anyways yeah i should be out anyone got any pads? can i just ask where have all these local riders come from? i fort there was like ony me and willyshott xxx