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Mike Winton.

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Everything posted by Mike Winton.

  1. surly are mint though, and you can be like look how pimp i am even my sprocket is pimp:P
  2. Thats exactly what i thought, but when i first started i couldn`t afford combinations of things so just bought one or the other, so if you wanted to get an Isis crankset for your bike, and couldn`t afford cranks and bb at the same time these would be for you. these adapters could be made very cheaply so you could get new cranks and use them with your old BB until you could afford an Isis one. i suppose the target market would be people on a budget and beginners really. crank puller would get the adapter out too.
  3. The only problem i can see is the aligning of the crank and the bottom bracket, and myabe bolting the crank onto the axel but im sure some kind of spacer would be fine.
  4. My odd idea. This may seem strange and maybe slightly pointless but could be good for some people. A small adaptor that fits into an isis crank arm making it square taper, so if you broke your bb or couldnt afford and isis bb you could tempoarilly use a square taper one this would allow you to use cranks like echo cnc and other isis only cranks with a square taper bb, maybe save weight? anyway its just a random idea what do you think?
  5. Haha. This threads mint, i need to dig out an embarasing moment, i shall rake through the memories........
  6. Some weird people in this world Earths flat is it? That woman that drove her son to suicide is a sicko.
  7. changed my mind jonny, its nice, but mines gunna be fitter hehe.
  8. The best video ive seen of you, riding was spot on, just precisely how it should be kind of thing. infact, havnt been out on trials much myself lately and this videos just made me want to Mint video
  9. Like, THE TERMINATOR, id buy it. pffffffffft
  10. For street trials, it wont make a difference, for other diciplines i can see why it would, but you just dont need all that much grip for street trials.
  11. why would you put a tyre on backwards? end of you dont, because if you do, your an idiot.
  12. For street, i dont think so. for mud shedding and mussy riding yes, but street trials. no.
  13. what a load of bollocks man, they will just be the same both sides.
  14. you just need to be helpfull around the forum, try reading the rules. its not a set time, its just so the main forum isnt filled with crap posts and scammers.
  15. In my house, mams allways going apeshit at me for it like.
  16. Looks spot on, i like the colourfullness, very different too
  17. Mike Winton.


    cool, you where better on the t-rex like.
  18. Mike Winton.

    Redline V-l

    NUTTER, loved that, huge riding going down, and that gap
  19. good choice, there a bit harder to ride but everything looks alot better on them and its a fact that stock riders will be stronger than mod riders because they will be tanking a big bike instead of a wee one. ive changed back and forth a few times but atm im staying stock for a good while also everyone ive met who has started on stock has got good very fast.
  20. khes are fine if you keep on top of them best chain ive used.
  21. not very good for him i dont think but hes one hell of a rider.
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