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Mike Winton.

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Everything posted by Mike Winton.

  1. Cool, is Gaz M on the onza team?
  2. Nice bike mate, shame you never ride
  3. Its good for the price but alot has changed since the days of seats and gears:P i would look at the onza range if you are after something more modern
  4. We are all definately coming get your phone numbers up so we can meet, jonny has mine i think.
  5. Well done, really good idea, get it on trials wiki, very helpfull
  6. Hes alot better on the stock, nice video mind. onza should sort those plain dropouts.
  7. Looks fit. nothing wrong with zoots, stop being fannys about them
  8. Learn to spell, and if your 6 foot tall you pretty much allways look a c*ck on a mod
  9. Rubber grips and TALC its soooo good for hands and it stops you slipping
  10. yeah but alot of people cant go as big on silly little circus bikes.
  11. Nice video danny. pads look like they are working canny good, sorted a frame for monday !
  12. CAUTION: K-ALONE must be handled with caution. It should be regarded as the ultimate “no compromise” weapon. It will not tolerate unnecessary shocks and badly timed riding. Equipment manufactured from his revolutionary material is intended for use by Elite competition and professional riders. All i understand from that is CAUTION - THIS MATERIAL IS GASH.
  13. Very good, but i thought there was a lack of dropgap kind of riding, would make it alot easier to watch
  14. Why wouldnt you buy bike parts from a supermarket ?
  15. Mike Winton.


    Get a different photo
  16. To be honest, the only way you will get over it is too just tank yourself at the big lines, i just think of how good it will look on film or how youwill feel after you have done the certain line
  17. Haha, that cant be real :| who is stupid enough ?
  18. Haha, fittyyy. yeah thats a crack for deffs
  19. A few pics from todays ride more up when i can be arsed lark
  20. How does it keep getting nicer and nicer :| spot on.
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