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Mike Winton.

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Everything posted by Mike Winton.

  1. Mine did the same, possibly the worst forks ive ever seen.
  2. ere mate you put your cranks on wrong looks like a good ride and mint pics
  3. 15 dents a split rim and 0 punctures, my hansventure is amazing.
  4. Good turn out though, had a mint day t say it rained loads
  5. there like £60 :| thats a joke, would rather keep the few grams
  6. Two sidehops from new vid:) about 41"
  7. Haha. Serves him right for gapping like a meercat.
  8. What a guy ! My kettle boils itself now and then, comes in handy when your after one of those late night pot noodles
  9. Yeah but you bought it like that spastic cool bike ryan
  10. Ah thanks man il have a good think now
  11. Whooooop weve found one of them Roger Sanchez - anotherr chance
  12. Ermmm im trying to think, all i remember is shes walking around a big city at night carrying a giant red heart for the first one. and second i have no idea other than floating woman
  13. Track one video description Theres a woman carrying this giant love heart around a city and it keeps getting smaller and smaller until at the end she meets this man and it grows again quite a well known track. Track 2 description (possibly even worse than the first one) This woman floating down a road with a white/ripped/dirty dress thing on but shes like hovering along in the dark with lights behind her, I think the artist starts with a P? or an F? not sure. Both are dance tracks, first ones dead popular but not sure about the second. Thanks
  14. Jonny you fit mofo gap side wa foooooking huge liverpools gunna be the shit.
  15. I love your riding man, agressive as foook, another mint video
  16. Your joking :\ organised a lift for tomroow you slagggggz
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