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Mike Winton.

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Everything posted by Mike Winton.

  1. Looks nice Haha you could have just simply ground the axel down on your wheel
  2. Jonny mateee second post, that vid was the shit lad:) but just so you know, you know i jokingly said i got an 8 foot 7 gap (A) I actually did tonight haha
  3. sick video mate best yet shame you cant sidehop or gap for shit like (A) styles improved on simtra like
  4. VID IS SICK. gap at the start needs doing loads better than last vid, styles improved loads aswell lately
  5. Thats not what im saying i just dont think its worth the effort when theres so much better equipment out there nowadays.
  6. It was mainly photos all day, fooking awesome ride lark.
  7. yeah that was a bit harsh. and im not some daft newbie, i just dont think its a good idea going back to the old high toptube frames that used to be ridden.
  8. Why :| its got a bb drop and you dont have to fall off to squash your balls
  9. Makes me want a mod :| are you still making a stock one?
  10. Does it have a hole in :| cool bike
  11. Pointless and id get rid of that chain if you want to keep your teeth.
  12. SICK on a bike, amazing.
  13. Just rang them and he just said to send it off so il be doing that in a sec. its an 06 one
  14. Cracked my pro2 yesterday, where do i stand with warrenty? its abour 4 months old
  15. Vincent hermance is amazing, some of the lines where ridiculous and that gap , was a great ride at the quarry. really good pics there man nice one
  16. Haha. Life for me on girl front is amazing no doubt il be back here whinging next week
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