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Mike Winton.

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Everything posted by Mike Winton.

  1. 6, kick, open hubsell. 7, land on teeth. 8, wish you kept the king.
  2. class vid that hes improved loads right sound wee lad nall !
  3. Mint vid that man whats the choooon?
  4. Brilliant vid, street bit was very good powerful rider !
  5. Dengs a cock nowadays light python lmfao FAIL
  6. What a pisstake deng used to be cool.
  7. Legend sick that cocky better than your last attempt at riding with the cast in leeds love youuuu x
  8. Just thought why not to be honest il prove it in next vid cause im riding there next weekend
  9. No need for that mate, i had the shittest ride in ages :^)
  10. Im not i promise:P i was just having the worlds shittest day, just split up wioth gf now so better vid in next few weeks cheers matt vids class XXXXXXXXX Lmao at bail im still in sooooo much pain, good times ! mint ride nall
  11. Shave your head again, youw will be raking in the poon (A)
  12. Mike Winton.


    Very good, whats the song please?
  13. Mike Winton.


    smoove that lad, very nice
  14. Any particular reason he doesnt use chain tensioners?
  15. You all have mint bikes cool as that. nice pics liiiddddzzz
  16. Nice but why is your chain so loose?
  17. You will snap it with your eyes skeg. YOU MONSTER!!!!1111111
  18. Bit of a let down :\ bashguard is stupid on a zoo I will wait for proper pics to make a decision
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