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Mike Winton.

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    Tyne & Wear
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    Change too often to write it down
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. It's all videos uploaded on the site. I'm using google chrome.
  2. Strange, any ideas why it wont work for me? have no problem on other sites. Its just videos that are uploaded to the forum, videos on youtube and vimeo are fine. All the videos say they where uploaded on the 15th of February 2011 and they never start just a black square where the video should be. I get two java script errors. one just comes up with the number one and the second with number two, just sent the link to my friend and he has the same problem. I wonder if it's something to do with my account? allthough when I'm signed out I have the same issue.
  3. Hey guys, Tried to watch some trials videos in the videos section of the site and none of them will load. I've tried on a few different computers but still no luck! Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Mike Winton.


    Manuals around corners wow, good riding man!
  5. Just watched all of them, great riding, nutters!
  6. thought it said bled, either way follow the instructions that's how ive bedded mine in before
  7. Definitely do not bleed it with water. just find a bid hill and ride down it feathering the brake maybe put some clean water on the rotor too that usually helps a bit.
  8. Ali is right, tends to be off centre threads or a bend/play in the bottom bracket
  9. Would have thought that is the bike you get, the brakes are pretty low spec and it has steel forks, NEON parts have always been fairly cheap to get hold of too! This would be a fantastic starter bike and you could upgrade parts as you progress.
  10. Just whipped the brakes off my zoot, good fun eh! Looks cool mate where abouts in boro do you live?
  11. Is this a brand new build? if so it looks great for the price relatively good spec and a nice frame! I've recently been in the USA and when I was looking the KOXX Yabaa bikes looked great value!
  12. You need a milling machine or a pillar drill with a decent vice and some vee blocks to hold the bb shell straight. so long as there's enough material it can be done within half an hour! The spacer will be easy to make on a lathe or with a file you can file anything just as accurate as a machine will cut it. Just need an axle
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