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    Trevor Bodogh

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Hello everyone! I haven't been on the forum in a long, long time. School has top priority right now. However, I have put together as of recently, a new video. Short, sweet and fun to watch! Any questions or comments, just leave a comment on the youtube page Enjoy! -Trevor <metabike.com> Youtube Video -> Original Video
  2. The Biketrials-Youtube, Trials-Tube, or which ever you want to call it is READY! If you remember me mentioning this topic a few weeks back, the idea and planning has come through, and it's come together with the help from a few good people. So, check it out, upload all of your videos and pictures! First you have to register (upper left corner). To control uploading videos and pictures, go to the "control panel" once you have registered, and play in there to get the hang of things! Keep in mind the site is still in BETA mode, until we start experiencing serious volume of videos and action within the site, and see how everything falls together. Some things may be buggy but I'm working on it. Other cool features are sure to come that I was promised, but they’ll come once I get some sponsors or donations. Enjoy! And let me know any feedback you may have! The Current Features: ✓ •Full screen and uninterrupted videos ✓ •User, Video searching (based on description and keywords) ✓ •Create online profiles, with embedded email ✓ Live chat capabilities(SOON) ✓ •Uploading of Videos up to 100 megs and automatic conversion from your mov, avi, swf, mpeg, flv file so you don't have to wait for it to upload & convert. ✓ •Create albums and put unlimited images in each one ✓ •Easy navigation, no scrolling ✓ •Video commenting ✓ •Video Organization - competition, county, event, craziest trials moves, bails..) ✓ •Site Rewards System, uploading images, commenting, contests all give you points. ✓ •Spotlight Riders & videos… •Enjoy! And let me know any feedback you may have! - Trevor
  3. Is there no one from the U interested in getting in on the Beta testing for the website?
  4. Thank you for the replies so far.. Simon, I can't seem to PM you, the message board feature won't let me.. Perhaps because I am a new member? Thanks for the statistics as well, but not to fear I have a fairly ridiculously good connection that is going to make all this happen for us. The main goal is traffic. It will show the site is good for the community, people are using it, it's worth keeping up and going forward with.. So over the next few weeks I am just going to watch these posts, and collect the info then make another post. The website name is already picked.. And it's pretty much exactly as you described it should be. I'll be in touch!!
  5. Hello Biketrials community! I’m Trevor Bodogh, from Ontario, Canada. I have been riding Biketrials for most of my life, now Biketrials is at the point where we all need to make a move.. In a way, a big one, to help keep Biketrials alive, to gain exposure, and to move onward and upward! I am going to present you all with an outstanding option, as my contribution to our sport. BIKETRIALS – ONLY YOUTUBE I am trying to come up with ideas to launch a video website, sort of a combination of youtube / myspace / facebook where it would be strictly for Biketrials. It’s extremely difficult to find all of our video’s we have put out in the past, and share them with friends, family, and sponsors. It’s difficult to categorize all of our best moments of video in competitions, casual riding, photo shoots, and events into certain sections, and upload images as well all in one space and possibly have merchandise discounted for persons in our sport This site would serve such purpose! I’ve been trying to gain exposure for a long time as well as many of us have. You may have seen my latest adventures in Europe (Paris/Scotland/World Trials Championships 2007) ….http://trevor.bodogh@picturepush.com, or various video’s I have put out on the web. But its sometimes difficult for people to either find me or download the video, because it’s corrupt, popups, bandwidth or whatever else. We have ALL had these problems.. As you may also know I have been developing / testing and assisting with Canadian Biketrials bike / frame & parts manufacturer, META Bike and I wanted to combine everything into one complete website, featuringa webstore products, special deals, new releases, and other information for the websites members and the biketrials community. So far, this is what I have in terms of features and I would greatly appreciate any feedback, as hopefully this will be a highly used website by many of us on daily basis. You would quite obviously gain great exposure for all of your specialized skills, whether you are a madd sidehopper, hook-master, or you think you can gap the farthest in the world, perhaps even beat Vincent Hermance next year...???! The features being presented to date are: • Full screen and uninterrupted videos • User, Video searching • Fast video delivery - because we wouldn’t have millions like youtube, just thousands • Uploading of Videos up to 100 megs and automatic conversion from your mov, avi, swf, mpeg file. • Create albums and put unlimited images in each one • Easy navigation, no scrolling • Will work on Macs & Windows and most browsers • Discussion board(s) • Video/picture commenting • Pro section - information on the World's best riders, what they do when not riding, how they got into riding, their influences, their strengths and weaknesses, goals for the future, media section on them) - If the site is a success, we can do this in the future.. When I can afford it.. haha! • Video Genres - sidehops, gaps, taps, hooks, competition, county, city, , craziest trials moves, bails..) • Create online profiles, with email, and live chat capabilities • Site Rewards System, uploading images, commenting, contests all give you points and hopefully I can get sponsors to give away some prizes • Enter in contests for actual prizes from site sponsors, etc • Spotlight Riders…Biographies • Some other stuff that I was promised, but they’ll come if I get some more $$ Is that not insane or what! ALL FOR BIKETRIALS!!! I will have a prototype sometime in the next few weeks and I’d like some beta testers that would like to upload their best, finalized videos to the site and some images. Things id like tips on… • What type of registration information do we all want to enter, since it will be displayed when we’re searching for other members. • Whats the Max image size I should cap it at, the site is free, so I don’t want people uploading 5 meg images, when a 500K looks just as good. • Any ideas on the Names of The GENRES for the videos? I listed some above… • What type of colors should I use for the site? I’d like to create a section for the TOP Biketrial riders. Who is considered as a TOP rider.. Some categories I have come up with are: • Top national / international / event rankings • The most viewed riders • Present & previous World Champions • Any other criteria?? I’ll be adding these individually and contacting people and creating their demo accounts first, if anyone would like to be considered, please message me and I’ll need a zipped file with 10 – 30 of your best images and maybe up to 5 videos, and I’ll lead you through it. Please reply with details, suggestions, and comments! Thank you for reading!!! -Trevor B.
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