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Everything posted by nicks

  1. chewit shut the fuk up u pussy, u cant ride trials for shit ur awful just quit now. ill get stephan to jump u you silly fanny

  2. As a rule i think teasers are shite but the was pretty good.
  3. A good headset is a echo or zoo, and hubs depends if your running disk then i would go for hope, if not echo again and same for the rear.
  4. Its worht getting someone who knows what there doing to do it, just so you dont f**k up.
  5. how gutting would this be if you rode through dog poo. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10408
  6. Hey does any one know where to get blue rim tape because i've only seen red, black and yellow. Thanks
  7. Nice video mate and i well like the bike.
  8. ye there good but a avid bb7 disk is quit good to have on the front.
  9. well if you already have a rim break you will need a new hub and forks but disk brakes are much better.
  10. why dont you close old topics then and how the hell am i doing spam if im replying to a topic.
  11. Sick vid, was that on a roof?
  12. Nice video, nice bike, nice music. Keep it up
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