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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. I don't have any squares :angry:
  2. Dan Clark

    Team Anti Monkey

    I was gonna join, cos he pisses me off in 99% of posts, then I decided that having members titles informing people I hate him is just as pathetic as having member titles informing everyone I love him.
  3. Dan Clark

    What To Do..

    Apparantly, if your bored, making frames on CAD is fun for 20 mins.
  4. Being a journalist is a very popular job at the moment with loads of people wanting to go into it, so you may find it hard to find something competing against all these people who have English and Journalism degrees. However, I really have no clue, I would have said policeman, but you can't be that, so meh.
  5. I'm a big fan of that, perfect geometry in my eyes too.
  6. Please do, it really would be a laugh, and the worst he can give you is negative feedback, which you already have, and you can return the favour for him not actually having sex with you.
  7. Go on, someone bid so he has to pay loads of fee's, then if he tries to get payment, say you'll give it to him when you meet up for sex, which he obviously won't do.
  8. I know its a crack, I was referring to the "trashkoxx2" part (Y)
  9. Lever: Magura 2004 Calipers: Standard Magura Hose: Venhill red Bleed with: Water, really badly, has air in Brake mounts: 4 bolt Pads: well over a year old koxx bloxx Rim: Ronnie with old worn otu grind and tar Booster: Shimano XTR It works for me, can't be bothered in making it better.
  10. I thought everyone stopped worrying about weight ages ago? Just to go completely off topic, on Trashzens website, the file name for this pic is "trashkoxx2" What the hell is it? Or am I being stupid?
  11. Dan Clark


    I'm pretty sure that implies it.
  12. Dan Clark


    Calling me gay? Nice and original B)
  13. Dan Clark


    Yeah, gays wear baggy jeans as well, and black t shirts, and exactly the same clothes as everyone else. Don't try to pretend your balls have dropped anyway.
  14. Dan Clark


    Because tight jeans are fashionable in that trend and girls jeans are obviously tighter than guys.
  15. It's a lot less mature than people think.
  16. Dan Clark


    I call my hair girly, cos it is really. I'm amazed throughout all this emo guys looking like girls thing, no-ones bought up girls jeans...
  17. Dan Clark


    On topic++ Why do people say EMO instead of emo anyway? It's not an acronym or anything.
  18. Dan Clark


    Unfortunately, people are always gonna make assumptions based on appearance first and personality second. Simply because you can look at someone and think "wow their hot", not "wow, they must be a nice person". You dress/change your appearance in order to become attractive to the opposite sex, thats life, natural selection etc. I'd rather have an emo girl with crazy hair than a trendy girl with boring hair.
  19. Dan Clark


    Anyone now see why people have their hair like that?
  20. Dan Clark


    Nah, some children just mangled my dog (Y)
  21. Dan Clark


    I love my hair. Funny vid though, I guarantee the guy who made it has long curly mank hair, for some reason they are the only people who take such offence at emo hair. Each to their own though, I love flashy haircuts.
  22. Dan Clark


    Don't worry about it. I'm sure someone else will understand. Just for you, so you get to laugh too. Donkey penis lolz :)" :o :) :D :"> :P
  23. Dan Clark


    I don't have a home, I live in Addingham under a rock.
  24. Dan Clark


    Girlfriend, riding/bed, tf
  25. For the people who prefer playing heavier stuff, I really can't get enough of playing this song, its such fun. I haven't tabbed out the later parts of the song I'm afraid though. Not exactly a beginner song either. Hondo Maclean - Keithies Done Himself A Mischief Verse E------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G--------------------------------------------------------------------2h3p2h3------------ D-0000---3p2-------------3-5-2*--------3p2-------------3-5------------------2h3p2-- A-0000-------------3-5-----------------------------3-5------------------------------3--- D-0000--------0-0------0---------0000-------0-0------0-------------------------------- **** * * * **** * * * E----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-1p0-----33333333-------------------------------------------------------------------- A-1p0-----33333333-------------------------------------------------------------------- D-1p0-00--33333333-------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Chorus E--------------------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------------------------- G-77777777-77777777-------------------------------------- D-77777777-77777777-77777777-77777777-------------- x2 A-55555555-33333333-33333333-55555555-------------- D-------------------33333333-55555555--------------
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