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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. Hahaha, I've seen that before. I like how they displayed it at a car show or something too.
  2. Couldn't you carry a spare mech hanger around on your keys?
  3. Great Pyramid is good to look at. Someone found a load of US military helicopters in Iraq and other various places, but I can't remember exactly where. The only places blocked out are the white house and area 51.
  4. All tyres can be used with tubes, a few can be used without also. I'm pretty sure I have the same tyre you're talking about, so yes it works.
  5. Actually DT Swiss make a hub with a very similar system to ring drive, but it only has 18 engagement points. Janson had one for ages, they are super strong.
  6. Surely the ringdrive system means a King has 72 effective pawls anyway? I've had mine for about half a year now I think, and it's been perfect, never skipped and I haven't touched it except tightening it at first.
  7. There's a big difference between someone getting a tribal tattoo to look "different" that getting a venom piercing. Every man and his dog has a tribal tattoo yet Jonny's is the only venom piercing I've saw, and I'm into body mod. Is it some requirement of being a scouser to have sand in your vagina?
  8. You sounded like a proper tard that day. Nice to see you have shorter bars in, what was it like eating with two of them?
  9. My Sharona - The Number Twelve Looks Like You f**king ace solo in that too.
  10. They were talking $200+ on OTN
  11. Matt's 24" would ride a lot nicer if the cranks turned.
  12. I don't see why people haven't bought onto the idea of a trials specific 24". Surely it could be made as a perfect balance of mod and stock? I'd certaintly be interested in one.
  13. The atrraction is that you like the look of them, or the reaction you get from other people, or maybe you jsut have an interest in body mod. Until about 8mm they heal up perfect, from then on they go a bit funny. But despite what every uneducated person says, no you won't be a 60 year old with big saggy ears.
  14. As pretty much explained in the other topic. I have 14mm currently, maybe going 16 soon. First stretch was 1.6 to 4, which hurt a fair bit actually, first stretches are the worst, but then again are proportionally the biggest. Then 4 to 5 cos I got a free taper from someone, didn't notice even putting it in. Then to 6, again didn't hurt. 6 to 8 by putting tape around my tunnels to make them slightly bigger, went smoothly if I remember correctly. 8 to 10 was worse than 6 to 8, but I think its because I made the tape crappy. 10 to 12 I put in without stretching. 12 to 14 was totally painless also. I'd leave it 6 weeks at least after piercing to stretch. Then after every stretch, 2 or 3 weeks if you're in a hurry shouldn't do you too much harm. I've generally found you can put in 1mm extra everytime without it actually feeling any different, no pain at all. Go to 3 or 4mm at first. Standard ear piercings are usually 1.2mm I think, but lip studs etc are 1.6, so I had those in when I first pierced.
  15. Lobe piercing doesn't hurt at all, I've got 4 and done them myself, cos I'm a bit pikey like. People overestimate how much piercing hurts, stretching is worse, you'll be surprised when you have it done. My rook hurt like a f**king bitch though.
  16. I've got 14mm flesh tunnels. After you get it pierced, leave it until its totally healed, stretching will be much less painful then. You can actually get pierced at larger guages at proper piercing shops, and they are much safer and nicer than going to some shop with a gun. I went from 1.6mm to 4mm with a taper. It hurt a fair bit but mine had only been pierced two weeks. The first stretch hurts a lot more than others. To make it easier, try wrapping masking tape around your ear studs, then putting them back in, this stretches it a little bit at a time and doesn't hurt. If you're only going for a small tunnel, I'd go for ones with rubber O rings to hold the tunnel in place, because screw in tunnels tend to amke the hole look tiny on smaller tunnels and look a bit stupid unless you have 8 or 10mm +. I usually get all my stuff from www.bodyjewelleryshop.com, its cheap, they have loads in stock and free postage usually.
  17. He's in Turkey, stocking up on kebabs. What happened to carbonique?
  18. And also in todays news, terrorist attack on the world trade center.
  19. Dan has joined the conversation: joe is gay lol
  20. So don't you think people could just search for Avid on ebay? On an unrelated note, if anyone has an Avid cheap, I fancy trying one out.
  21. Dan Clark


    Somehow, piercers manage to screw on stuff amazingly tight, I really dunno how they do it, I've only been pierced by women too. They always get it off super easy too. Best to go back to where you got it pierced, you usually get a free shorter bar/ring then. If not, just try bite down as hard as you can and get some pliers in there I guess.
  22. "Quicktime is missing certain applications to make this work, unforuntately these are unavailable on the quicktime website" Thats really useful.
  23. Haha, its 22 all. Mag uuurrr raa for me.
  24. Get a retro really big sweatband and wear that, with fluorescent pink and yellow lycra.
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