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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. It's a lot simpler than you think really. Open up two windows in photoshop, one with the original bike in and one with the component you wanna add in. The get the polygon lasso tool and draw around the component. Copy it, go to the bike page, hold down ctrl and click to move it in the right place, if its the wrong size, go back and change the size or angle so it fits. If any of the old component sticks out, if its on a white background just paint over it white, if its not, its probably best to use the clone stamp tool I think its called. Then when your done, use the blur tool around the new parts so it fits in better (which I forgot to do)
  2. I'm busy the next two nights, but if there still hanging around then I'll give them a shot. I'm turning into an insomniac
  3. I love it all except the bren.co.uk Keep up the good work.
  4. Damn, I was bored, so he's my attempt at it.
  5. I don't see how quality standards are applicable here when they are all made by Pulo, and I've seen two Koxx Levelboss's with a bent "sticky out bit of top tube after seat tube".
  6. What? This has always been about frames. Try-All components apart from the rims are mostly different from everyone elses, and aren't as extortionate, except the rear mech, but no-one cares about that.
  7. Frame wise it doesn't make as huge a difference. I don't understand how you would think I meant all bike components seeing as frames were mentioned multiple times in the post and only frames are being discussed in the topic. Ride a frame thats 1085 wheelbase with 380mm chainstays, then ride a frame with 1083 wheelbase and 379mm chainstays, or a frame with 1085 wheelbase, 380mm chainstays and an internal headset. They are gonna feel the same, and the difference isn't gonna be worth £200 anyhow.
  8. Metal is stiffer and lasts longer.
  9. Its perfectly normal, nothing to worry about.
  10. I think what me and Mark were getting at was, fair enough they aren't the same to the millimetre (although I think the t-pro is), fact is, no-one will able to tell that 1 or 2mm difference when you actually ride the frame. The two frames will ride the same regardless.
  11. I personally would class two frames, both having 380mm chainstays, 1065 wheelbase, same rise BB and similar if not the same head angle as having the same geometry yes. Everything that affects the ride of a bike is the same. What exactly do you mean by people can't copy geometry? Mark's example of the T-Pro is the best, its the exact same frame as a Levelboss but with a different headtube. Dan............
  12. Sums it up pretty perfectly. Hopes aftersale service can't be beaten, but its so inconvient having to send your hub back every few month when you can buy a King that doesn't ever skip when setup, and has over 3x the engagement at the same time.
  13. However, Zoo/Echo frames are made from the same materials, to the same standard, to the same geometry as Koxx frames, and in the case of the higher end models, out last them. Just because it has Koxx written on the side doesn't make you hop any higher. Anyway, Onza T-Rex > all
  14. So Koxx do black, blue and yellow coloured frames. All the others are just variants of silver, so again, exactly why does this justify an extra £200 to the cost compared to other frames? Especially when according to you it helps them sell more frames, in which case the price could come down due to demand and supply. Last time I checked you were riding a silver Levelboss? I'd also like to point out, I have never ever owned anything produced by Deng in my life, nothing at all. I have owned: Koxx Levelboss frame - 3 years, then sold it on, still going strong Koxx stem - 1 year, in the garage somewhere Koxx rim - 1.5 years, sold it on Koxx forks - 10 months, snapped Koxx Bloxx - God knows how long, still on my bike. I think Koxx are the most important company in trials, however there's no way they can justify having parts that expensive that come out of the same factory as everyone elses.
  15. Only the very very top riders (Hermance, Coustelliers etc) get paid to ride for people, most sponsored people don't even get stuff for free, they just get it heavily reduced. Trust me, Waynio more than counts for being sponsored. Dan.........
  16. Koxx - Forever pushing the boundaries or trials by making frames in Blue and Grey™ BT also make frames in different colours that are cheap, how come they can afford to have both "risk taking" colours and cheap prices whereas Koxx can't?
  17. So being sponsored by Hope has absolutely no effect on your opinion? So your not biased at all? Dan.............
  18. I wouldn't go for a high BB rise frame at first. Zoo Pitbull, Echo Control or Onza T Rex all look like good bets which are gonna last a long time, just pick which one you prefer the look of. Dan................
  19. First ones pretty cool. Second ones so cliche though
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