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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. Shite, I'll have to get my girlfriend something on Monday after I get paid. I was planning on getting a rose or something (original hey?) but I imagine they'll be expensive, and I'm pretty broke. Oh well, I'll sort something.
  2. Address in profile if you've got any left.
  3. I thought we were getting too much water with raising sea levels and such.
  4. "And knowing King, it will cost a fortune." Thats why
  5. Are they actually released yet? How do you know they are gonna be as strong as a Profile?
  6. Japanese culture really fascinates me, I'd love to go there and spend a few months, everythings just so different from the rest of the 1st world countries.
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=58...47678&q=odyssey Don't forget this now you can download from google.
  8. Your tattoo artist should be able to do this, its what they are there for.
  9. Dan Clark


    "OMFG, Koxx's are 1065, you won't be able to ride one of those unless your really good. The length will mean you have to tap everything and it will only hold you back" I loved peoples reactions when I first got my Koxx
  10. However, India != All of Asia Its like saying "European produced stuff is terrible, I mean, look at the shitty quality of stuff from Latvia" or something.
  11. It's fairly annoying on msn, but f**king class when people put all their life stories in myspace bulletins, its great
  12. Mods are 110mm spacing Stocks are 135mm So no, it won't fit a mod.
  13. You'll be very lucky if they take it back. If you can get money back, best to get a 2nd hand King, if not wait for the new Hope hub whenever the hell thats eventually gonna come out. If you can save a bit more, new Kings aren't that much more expensive.
  14. So he was on Aorta for only a few months, they didn't even get time to release the frames he was riding. Thats handy.
  15. My simple solution. When you see a policeman walking down the road, ride away.
  16. Yeah, I love that film, but there is an actual scientific theory thats different to that, having just read the book thin I have, it doesn't give the name, but it theorizes that movement could just be a perception, such as cartoons appear to move, but they are just still frames next to each other. It says reality could be a series of billions of multiple universes, all nearly identical, and the only thing moving is your perception or soul moving in between them. But I'm in way over my head here.
  17. Sounds like it deletes everything on your harddrive.
  18. Another example from me, I, for some reason, don't tend to take medicinal drugs, I don't really think they ever work, and because of this, when I take them, they don't make a difference, when obviously they do to everyone else.
  19. Especially when they are porn. I don't have Word, Powerpoint or Excel anyway.
  20. Comparing it to a Land Rover is hardly a fair test either
  21. I believe the placebo effect to be very true, I don't know why though. For example, it is very rare that I get ill, I haven't been sick for 5 years now, and I always eat undercooked food/old food/drink too much/do whatever, because I honestly believe that I won't get ill, and I don't. Ever notice how successful people are always upbeat and really believe stuff is gonna happen? From reading his autobiography Richard Branson was really like that. Or how us pessimists always feel when somethings going well, something will happen to screw it up, and it usually does, eg. after months managing to get my band sorted, then the drummer decides they don't wanna do it anymore. It also links to some theory which I can't remember the name of, that the universe is like frames of a movie, and you can change which direction you will take, and there's thousands of other universes where you take another path. It also links in with Satanism, with what I can remember, it says that you are your own God of your life, and within reason, you can change what happens in the world around you, and if you really believe something will happen, it can. I find it a very logical and interesting set of beliefs, which contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with Satan, it was given the name by Anton La Vey as a way to scare people, and to show how people can be afraid of simply a word. Thats my rant over anyway.
  22. Recently I've been listening to: Between The Buried And Me - Alaska Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antartica Jimmy Eat World - Clarity Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned Joe Satriani - Surfing The Alien
  23. Defragging doesn't tend to do much in this day and age of fast computers apparantly.
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