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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. Cue Andy's huge rib piece. I don't get why people don't understand the point of tattoo artists is to draw your tattoo for you, the hint is in the word "artist"
  2. Or maybe the shadow is a black car that in the right place. But no, you're right, its a floating car
  3. Aha = Take On Me The best pop song ever.
  4. Not all that big, but they looked like slits. Looked like 12 could fit in there easy with no stretching. She wants to go to 60mm, she was hot.
  5. If you go down from a big size your usually left with this huge earlobes though, so it's still a pretty permanent thing. I met a girl Friday who went down from 25, she still has a big slit in her ear though.
  6. I stretched some more cos I was bored at work. Two 18mm's and two 3mm's now. People are mostly against it because most people are doing it because its the fashion, and to do a pretty serious mod that leaves a noticable scar for a craze that'll last 6 months is a bit gay.
  7. Dan Clark

    New Tattoos

    I mean, when your 14, you think Linkin Park and Blink 182 are amazing
  8. Get a standard piercing yeah, then after a few months, stretch it up a size, wait a few months, stretch, continue. You can do it faster, but because your wanting to minimize scarring, I wouldn't.
  9. Dan Clark

    New Tattoos

    Anyone who will tattoo you at 14 will be a shit tattooist.
  10. Roughly 6-8mm, depending on how well you heal and how well you look after and stretch it properly etc.
  11. Yeah, I always find it weird when I see people with big tunnels and no other mods, because they are such a permanant thing that really stands out. Getting some shitto tattoo because its "cool" is easy covered up and generally more accepted anyway. Tunnels aren't and always look crap once you've taken them out, unless you get them stitched, that cost my piercer around £400 to have it done properly. I'm really into body modification, so I've got a fair few piercings and such, and big plans for the future, starting my 2nd lobe stretches at the moment, so I'll have two tunnels next to each other.
  12. I've got two 16mm's and two 3mm's at the mo. I pierced them myself, started at 1.6, then 4,5,6,8,10,12,14,16. First stretch did hurt a lot, but this had something to do with I only pierced them 2 weeks earlier, and it was a big stretch. If you have the money, what I'd recommend is that you get pierced with a large guage needle, say 2mm or 2.5 or however big your piercer is comfortable with, then have them stretch immediately to the next size. This not only means you start on 4mm or something, but it will actually heal quicker too.
  13. If your unsuccessful, try taking it up with the housing people about the camera issue, and blame them, it's a bit out of order.
  14. Yeah, mines an XT Live too, its awesome.
  15. Have you got a POD too then? I love mine Even if I broke the USB out.
  16. Dan Clark


    Yeah, the pain gets sorta nice after a while, sorta tingles. Probably just me being strange though.
  17. Running it upside down won't work because it is open and air will get into it. Hope levers won't work because they are DOT fluid, Magura run on mineral oil. I suggest getting in touch with cleanbikes or Magura UK and trying to source a lever, if not, see if you can find a right hand Shimano hydraulic lever, as these are also open and mineral.
  18. Yeah, you definately need loud levels, you don't really scream louder than you sing, but for some reason its easier. The only thign I can think of to help is sorta to tense your diaphragm, its hard to explain, but when you get it you'll understand, assuming you do it the same way I do, which seeing as your looking for super low growls, you probably won't.
  19. And this convieniently happened about the same time everyone was jumping on the emo bangwagon so it was cool to scream less Trust me, if you do it right, it's fine, hence why theres thousands of screaming bands with no vocalists dying.
  20. George French done a really good article of it in Ride. Search the g sport website for it.
  21. http://www.myspace.com/dantheblacklinetheory
  22. If you do it right, screaming doesn't damage your voice box at all. Cup your hands around the microphone and scream into it so none of your voice is lost, makes it sound sorta reverby and cool.
  23. Nice to see you've got new pics of it, the other pics looked terrible. I like it, the styles really unique.
  24. Trialnoir still hasn't eaten his Hope Pro2T after his "it's impossible to skip" claim.
  25. They look good and are good for street. But are hideously overpriced, weak for how heavy they are, and have crappy customer service.
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