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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. So I was f**king this girl the other day and I went to put it in her ass, and she said: "Don't you think hats pretty presumptuous to think I'd like that?" So I replied "Presumptuous? Thats a pretty big word for a 10 year old"
  2. Running your finger over it so you can feel the bar is weird too.
  3. Mine don't get in the way at all, but forgetting you have them for a few seconds when drying yourself off after a shower and catching them with a towel = insta pain. Definately use staple bars, nothing else. Do that thing with your draw a grid on yourself then move about loads that the BME link said, sounds like a good idea.
  4. I've got two surface piercings. Make sure you go to a piercer who's experienced in doing surface piercings, and uses metal surface bars. If they aren't experienced, or don't use proper bars, they will reject very quickly. Pain isn't that bad getting them pierced, it's a weird piercing. They are far more likely to reject than normal piercings, even with a good piercer and proper jewelery. I had a vertical tragus reject because they used plastic jewellery, and my horizontal eyebrow isn't looking too good because I got it caught on a few things which make it bleed a bit, then start to reject, then looks like it stopped again The position your thinking of sounds a bit dodgy to me because I imagine you'll knock that or get it caught on your jeans. Best bet is to go talk to whoever's gonna pierce you though.
  5. Makes me think I have friends
  6. Search for free web hosting on google, there's about a million sites. Geocites, freeservers, blah blah blah
  7. http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/fl...product_id/2798 £35 I got the 49 keys version though.
  8. No idea then, I don't use garage band. Also, £45 for a midi cable? It would have actually been cheaper to buy a MIDI controller keyboard that comes with a USB cable, I got mine for £39.
  9. If the computers recognizing it then it's garage band at fault. Is there a bit to select input on garage band? I use Cubase and once in a while I'll forget to select my keyboard on there. Failing that, get a proper midi sequencer, garage band is terrible
  10. D40x has 10 megapixels instead of 6, only difference. So unless you are making big posters, no need to spend the extra
  11. The Canon kit lens is the worst lens known to man, the Nikon 18-50 isn't up to much either, but better than Canon. Just go and have a play and see what you prefer. Canon - Better high ISO performance, more lenses and cheaper lenses (although sigma and tamron make lenses for both companies) Nikon - Better flash system, better ergonomics. I went for a D70s because it felt miles better than a 400d, and I really really hate the way you change aperture on 400d's.
  12. Adobe Audition has a vocal remove filter, and Audacity might too, however they aren't much good, because they just cut the frequencies vocals tend to fit in, so they don't work for all vocals and sometimes have a habit of taking out lead guitar and such.
  13. Guitar pro is an awesome program, much more sophisticated than power tab, but yeah you do have to pay for it. Guitar pro 5 can also open up power tab files too, so you get an amazing choice of tabs. Whatever you do, don't search "guitar pro 5 torrent" in google, because it WILL NOT, give you any results.
  14. This is true, magical things happen when you are drunk. My best example, drop your phone on the floor when your sober, nothing happens, gets scratched a bit. Do it when your drunk, no matter how softly, or onto any surface, your phone will explode into a million pieces, with cases, batteries and sim cards flying everywhere.
  15. NWA are possibly the best group ever in the whole world, and I don't even like rap much. So amazingly groundbreaking considering it was mid 80's Straight Outta Compton was released.
  16. The word nigger has become such a commonplace saying that in my opinion, it's not offensive anymore, unless it's particularly said in a derogatory way, such as "f**k off you dirty nigger". I said "Nigga's got some awesome tattoo's" or something to that affect, referring to a white guy who comes from Colorado, the whitest state ever. I have no idea how that was ever perceived as racist or offensive. Everyone black who I know isn't offended by it at all, especially used in a context like that. And to say your grandparents were slaves is pretty laughable, what with slavery being abolished 200 years ago. I've been playing too much San Andreas and listening to too much NWA recently anyway.
  17. Dan Clark

    New Tattoos

    Christ I opened up a can of worms there. Sleeve getting booked Wednesday :noes:
  18. Ah yeah. I reckon you've had the most though.
  19. Dan slick-trix.4t.com Dan-slicktrixtrials.tk Dan Clark Not too many. Did Davetrials have any between that and montyboy2k or whatever he was?
  20. Haha, photography wise that is pretty poor. They are all underexposed for a start:P
  21. Ashdown Fallen Angel 2x12 ***
  22. Dan Clark

    New Tattoos

    Ok, I didn't think it would really cause offence here. I'll try not mention it again.
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