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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. you can get the Sigma for the same price on Ebay, should have just done that Tried setting the flash in TTL mode?
  2. That'll delete everything, my way deletes nothing, and makes you look hardcore, as opposed to geeky.
  3. Just to save anyone asking, if anyones ipod freezes, and then has a sad ipod face, ignore the fact that apple asy its a harddrive malfunction and needs to be sent back for service, simply get a small flathead screwdriver, put it in the side and pop it open. That big silver thing with possibly blue foam is the hard drive, you'll notice this ribbon thing attached to the top of it thats sorta taped down, peel back the sticky tape bit and pull the ribbon out, leave for 5 minutes and then put back in, and put the case back together. Viola, your ipod works again.
  4. Thats the TTL, means the flash automatically adjusts itself so it doesnt over or underexpose photo's. You might be able to over ride it on manual mode, but on my camera I could only set the zoom and power manually, not the aperture.
  5. Just to add confusion, are you a producer? A producer in the traditional sense would be the guy who recorded the band, tailored the sound and mixed the tracks in a recording studio using microphones and live instruments, whereas DJ producing is nothing like that. For example Sir George Martin, Pharrell Williams and Armand Van Helden all call themselves producers, when in fact they all do very different things. I personally would call DJ's artists, as they aren't really musicians as I'd class a musician playing in the live sense, and they aren't really producers because they only really do the mixing side of production. But they are a music artist as they create songs. Definately a strange subject though.
  6. That is a bit stupid, it worked out like that sometimes when I could get trade stuff from work, after postage it was cheaper to get it online.
  7. The fact you can get it trade price means you have no excuse.
  8. 10.5 fisheye pocket wizards aren't worth the approx £1,000,000 extra over ebay triggers, and I prefer the 10.5 over the Tokina, and my opinion obviously matters.
  9. From the link you gave: "Download a copy of the Canon T70 Instruction Manual (5.9MB)" I'm sure that would have it. Why doesn't you dad know too? I imagine its standard 35mm film, but I don't do film cameras really.
  10. It's in stanway, called King George playing field or something. You can get to it from new farm road, london road and collingwood road.
  11. Oh yeah, as soon as people post stuff about pirating it gets locked, as soon as TomTurd posts a thread about pirating......
  12. 10-11 at night in winter, 56 seconds or so I think, off the top of my head.
  13. Maybe for competitions after this it would be better to have the images taken in the 2/4 weeks following the start of the competition, getting everyones creative juices flowing and making people go out and take photos for the competition instead of just looking at their back catalogue of 1000's of photos. Thats my entry anyway, taken in almost pitch black, 11 at night in the winter.
  14. So just post them up in here?
  15. I did that, was great fun playing emulators, much more than PSP games in the end. Just broke my PSP screen last week though
  16. Noob's, they should all be using Nikon by now
  17. I still wouldn't say no to one though.
  18. No idea, I mean, nearly everything has teething problems, but the mkIII has taken ages to come out, and they made such a big deal about it being the best camera ever, you think they would have noticed.
  19. Same as people have been buying, not sure if thers been a recall or if they're hoping to fix it with a firmware update or anything. Either way, I'd be pissed if my D70 did that, and that cost nowhere near £4000
  20. Same as people have been buying, not sure if thers been a recall or if they're hoping to fix it with a firmware update or anything. Either way, I'd be pissed if my D70 did that, and that cost nowhere near £4000
  21. Red square is where it's supposed to be focused. From what I've heard, the brighter it gets, the more it sucks, which is bizarre seeing as all other cameras are the opposite. The first batch have had a lot of problems in bright daylight apparantly.
  22. The fact it has useable photo's at ISO6400 makes me cry a little inside Seen some really bad autofocus problems with it though.
  23. Awesome, looks gay in the first pic though, too cutesy and trying to be nice looking.
  24. Yeah, Nikon D3 will probably be next, as I said, lot of rumors about it being 1.1x crop, fingers crossed they will have got the noise levels up to Canon standards too.
  25. I've heard a lot of strong rumors about a 1.1x crop Nikon in the works, so that'll be pretty much full frame.
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