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Dan Clark

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Everything posted by Dan Clark

  1. Bring's back memories, everyone knew someone with a Reefer/T-Raptor back the in the day.
  2. There's a lot of unnecessary hate in this thread, the guy found a cheaper place to get you all tyres and parts, why is this a problem?
  3. After my Mono Trial my Trialtech High Risers are my favourite part on my bike, and for a bar of metal that doesn't do much that's a high accolade.
  4. Needs a 22t on the front, a frame that retro doesn't look right with a tiny tiny chainring.
  5. Editing was the most irritating thing I've ever seen, looked like it was done by a 13 year old who'd just discovered the filter section for the first time. Same with the angles really, just seemed like how I imagine a young teenager would make a trials film when given an assignment to make a "wicked cool extreme sport film". Loads of wacky angles and crazy effects, ignoring the actual content on display. Good riding though, some of the lines were great.
  6. Swear filter not applying to SM's ftw
  7. 1440x900 I run my browser like that so I can fit msn on the space to the right, every other website fits though.
  8. Just to piss on your bonfire a bit, the website looks a bit naff on Chrome on my Mac, the "PhatVees" and "Soon" writing extends off of the blue bar and either it's a lot wider than other websites or it doesn't resize automatically so I always have to scroll left to right.
  9. If the bike shop didn't charge for using the starnut tool, what would be the point of them owning it?
  10. www.senditnow.com are also very cheap and good.
  11. Main problem being of course that 04 lever blades feel miles nicer than 05's.
  12. These polls will never prove to be too useful because of the huge amount of people just voting for whatever pad they have regardless of what else they've tried, along with the occasional people who claim that despite having a fresh, sharp grind, fresh bleed, sanded down pads setup 100% perfect with the best booster in the world they still can't get their LGM's/Heatsink's/Phat Pads/whatever to even lock up or slow them down.
  13. I'm running 22:16 which seems a good compromise if you don't have threaded cranks.
  14. Dan Clark


    Coincidence more than anything, when I first used to ride properly he wasn't really about and then it was only Echo and a few Zoo things, so I mostly had Koxx and Onza stuff, then I quit for a few years when he sprang up with Gu, Adamant, Czar etc. When I started up again I bought a Ciguena 24" second hand which came with the forks, and I've spent all my money turning it into a really typical looking street 24" bike, which doesn't really have much need for Deng stuff. The fact that I'm from the old school as it were, means I trust and like all the old parts from my era rather than the stuff I haven't tried, for example, I was recently on the hunt for Fatty R forks before finding my Identiti ones which suit my frame more. I did want an Echo Pure back in the day though.
  15. Dan Clark


    Only Deng product I've ever owned is a pair of Echo Hifi forks that came on a second hand bike I bought, since been replaced with some Identiti Tuning forks. Never bought a Deng product myself in my life.
  16. I'm sure years ago Ben something (gonna kill myself for forgetting his name) who was sponsored by Megamo said he used to get the £1600 Equip DD bike for £700 or something, so at the end of every season he'd sell his current bike for £700 and get the new one for free basically. Edit: Ben Savage I think.
  17. Looks f**king awesome, nice job.
  18. Probably a problem with your dik4.
  19. I use a Z610HX and it's just fine. Just to piss on Tartybikes/Trialtech's bonfire a bit, you can buy the exact same chain in a KMC box for £5 cheaper from Chain Reaction.
  20. You could try overbleeding your brake too to solve the thin rim thing, I'm running an Atomlab Pimp on my Marino and have the same problem and overbleeding it worked great. Pull on the lever to push the pads out, then put about 3mm or however much you want of cardboard/whatever behind the pads to keep them out, then bleed the brake as normal. Hey presto, you've suddenly gained 6mm of rim width in theory.
  21. £5 probably, trials isn't nearly big enough to make things like autographs worth anything.
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