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Everything posted by <<(Tom_182)>>

  1. Thought you guys might like to see these, got a load more pic that should me on me site tomorrow night. Also youtube video some time soon going to try and use the editing tool on there to edit because there .mp4 He had one drilled out more that the other he only rode the lights one in the final and the other in semi’s lol Gilles has got some knobble left on his front tyre which makes sense. Frame is raw aluminum looks really nice. Tom A
  2. <<(Tom_182)>>

    TomAss's Album

  3. KoolKool Wish I was shill in Barcelona its dam cold in England Tom A
  4. Was an awesome trip Nice photo Video on its way some time soon will a youtube special all filmed on me phone got some good stuff thought Benito crash and Danny going through what he thought was a gate lol Will also stick me photos on me site. Tom A
  5. Nice one your a star I have been saved Cya tomorrow
  6. Help has anybody got any Magura Disc Pads Its for a Marta SL the pads say Type 5.1 on them if that helps. My new Disc just kill 1 of them If they have let me know because I not going to be able to ride tomorrow otherwise. Tom A
  7. I will be there you got to love YMSA Rounds get a bit of UCI practice for Barcelona Haven’t send a form off been a bit busy this week sorry Dave ill get 1 printed off n filled in and bring it along with me on Sunday cya all then. Tom A
  8. Yes Yes Yes Very Nice Nick Quality!! Will have to hook up and ride sometime soon dude. Tom A
  9. <<(Tom_182)>>


    Very Koool I have been looking for pics of the ZM1 B I found some! Where did you get all those from?? I like the ZH1 B will be lighter without the CNC side panels. Looks really nice in the white and sliver should be me next frame. Fed (NSE/Trialsman) might have it in already he just needs to unwrap the 20” frames that he has been sent. Some Pic of it in action: Tom A
  10. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryI paid using PayPal and received 2 days later very happy lever looks fine not fitted yet Given By: <<(Tom_182)>> You were the: Seller Date: 1206733592
  11. Very much so, a big thanks for all the hard work that went into the day I really enjoyed it Nice photos Tom A
  12. Some Funky Frames nice work Joe Limy 20” - quite simple but nice Ice - looks kool + really like the Geo 1025 +70 bb and 360 Joes - looks solid really stiff B frame - looks sweet as really like the look of this 1 that headtube Limey 3 - not to sure I like it much will have to see it in person Them rim look very cool also, I love the matt black ness Tom A
  13. Snowboarding > Skiing I have been every year for the last five years love it. Got me own kit this year so that was nice. As long as you got the basics sorted go for it.
  14. Quality photos Ben and top riding Danny Can’t wait for the first YMSA and for this video going to be awesome me thinks.
  15. I wish my local quarry had that much to ride, its just flat with some rocks out side it. Top riding there Sam
  16. Very Nice. Looked like a right laugh cant wait to go there again top place. Tom A
  17. Im also free just need one more now like patt said Cesar
  18. My Python rides again looks the part well maybe a new tyre and some pimp green rim tape to finish it off. Tom A
  19. Very nice looked like fun I remember seeing them big concert blocks and wonting to ride Top Stuff Tom A
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