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Everything posted by <<(Tom_182)>>

  1. Grantham or somewhere close don’t mind bit short notice sorry. Plenty of street to be had in Grantham. Tom A
  2. Was an awesome day very happy with 2nd even thought I 5 the last section. It would not have made any difference if I got thought it anyway. Really nice sections was not too hard which is always a good thing at a club trail. Thanks to everyone that helped out, Photos anyone?? Tom A
  3. I'm going hope the weather is ok would be in France at koxx days but someone had to have there appendix out poor Ben. Tom A
  4. Nice one mate hope it goes well for you this year. Onza have them self some team right now, all top guys We will have to get together for a ride some time. Tom A
  5. Taking me girlfriend to collage so thought I would go for a bit of a ride. Will be there at 7 and will be riding till 9. My number is 07845049077 Tom A
  6. Nice drop Dave Becky makes it look bigger because she is a little short hehe Tom A
  7. Doing BIU Worlds @ The Mo So Very Bust Cya Soon Lots of Love Tom A xox
  8. foooooooooooooook me that yellow one is nice 26" Nice Tom A
  9. Waynio Ill try bring your Top from Barcelona mate Tom A
  10. Joe Mate you really are the biggest cock head I have ever meet LoL and have meet lots Nissan Nissan Good Luck Mate. Lots of Love Tom A
  11. Top Trial!!! I really did not get off to a good start just was not in the right frame of mind. But soon sorted that out had some good rides, also had some very unlucky ones. Got a puncher on the easiest section then cleaned the log one only to miss the last gate and get a 5 I nearly cried. Most of the section I needed 5-10 second more to get out was so anointing. I need to work on me fitness a little and speed that is why UCI is so good. But still is nice to do a bit of bashing now and again hehe. The section where the best I have rode all year amazing venue. It really help that it was a nice day thought. Big Thanks to everyone!!! How set out and for the people that rode there was not that many of us Tom A
  12. <<(Tom_182)>>

    Zhi News

    Monty did do it for a reason. But do not under estimate the Chinese Mr YAO ZHI is working very hard on the frame side of things. I think that hump might just be more than a looking good gimmick it probably will be helping the overall strength of the frame. Tom A
  13. Ill be there really hope the weather is ok both times I have been to Lee quarry its rained and last it at the YMSA I got total soaked. Tom A
  14. Looking good!! patt to bad i was in Derby again. Tom A
  15. Hope the weather is good will be a good day even if it not as its a top venue. Cya there Tom A
  16. Im in Darby for the day never rode here before so if there are any local riders riding today give me a ring 07845049077 on free wi fi in a Mc D's at the moment he he going to head into town to find some street. So give me a ring if your going to be riding the Darby area today. Thanks Tom A
  17. Nice work, Crazy drop, I will have to come ride Newark some time soon. Tom A
  18. I'm guessing he is doing a no handed front flip if so that's Tom A
  19. Hey Matt still have not weighted the whole bike yet will do it tomorrow. Its a new version of the ZM1 and its for sale if you are interested speak to Fred (NSE/TrialsMan.co.uk) Some time soon, I will have to talk to patt about finding a date for a Grantham ride. Yes mate it was. Tom A
  20. Mine are very good, no prblems not had them long, very smoot and very light. Me Bike With Zhi Hubs Tom A
  21. Very nice loving the video quality and sweet editing Tom A
  22. That would of been myself and Jack Meek. I am glad you enjoyed it. Tom A
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