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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. The echo SL is alot lighter than the King, but the King will last longer. But if taken good care of the SL should last ages too
  2. Definatley not legit unless its a load of chinese fakes!
  3. If you have to drill it out your doing it wrong!!
  4. Remove the lever blade. Undo the tpa as far as you can (as if you were turning the tpa in). When it gets stuck use a screwdriver and a mallet/hammer to knock the tpa wheel round until the metal part falls out
  5. Oh my bad! It was just the one that came with the frame. It's pure shite! The bearings are all notchey and the cups are rusty and knackered.
  6. Nothing mate its the frame, so unfortunatley its not for sale
  7. The gollywog is probably worth more than the bike! Aren't they antique/uber rare?
  8. Unfortunately not. But I have made a lovely guide to follow to make them fit My guide here :
  9. Gone for the BB chasing all ready to be posted off now
  10. Nice! do you have a lathe at the warehouse now then?
  11. Nice, might give this a try This one http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/isis_splined_bbs/trialtech_race_isis_with_bolts/c2p11046.html
  12. Took the old BB out my GU today to put my newer trialtech one in. I done it as normal and put the driveside in first, but then I couldn't get the non ds cup in? I looked in the hole and the BB axle bearings did not look centre?! I tried it again and the same happened. I then tried this... Screwed the non ds cup in about halfway and then put the ds in, the last few turns on the ds were ridcoulousy tight but it now works. The only problem is the axle doesn't appear to spin easily I undone the non ds a bit and it was still the same. Any help? The BB is quite new and is the non lite trialtech Isis version.
  13. Echo lite forks are probably the best mod forks ever made IMO, apart from the more modern trialtechs!
  14. Having a cheeky finger in the first one?!
  15. Cant help with the helicoiling, but for bolts eBay is great! Just search M5 x 25 Allen head and they are guaranteed to have them. I bought some bolts all I needed was one but I got 20 for the same price tarty charge for one
  16. Thought of making a tartybikes iPhone app? The website doesnt run very well on mine and takes ages to make a basket up so it would be really helpful!
  17. I know you can use a derailluer but I dont have a clue as I didnt ride when people used to do that! As for sprung tensioners take a look at these http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/sprung_tensioners/c48.html
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