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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Perhaps I haven't got the jist but could you hire a van?
  2. I said you obviously don't want to speak to me then and she just put obviously. In such a shit heap im back Saturday night and she's on holiday from sunday for 2 weeks so I won't have seen her for a month, When she was in a good mood she said I could see her Sunday morning then before that she was just like don't worry you won't be up intime etc. Merh!
  3. My girlfriend I have been with for 2 and a bit months now we had like an pointless argument really but she's now constantly blunt. Ive been in Cornwall for a week and a half and I know when I'm gonna loose signal so I made sure I said bye etc before I loose contact she was still blunt all I get is K or yeah k, then this morning I said my usually morning text and shes still blunt all I got was hi, I said sorry for yesterday and I get yeah k and that's all I'm getting, the arguments neither like our faults but she won't apologise or accept my apology? I don't know what to do really?!
  4. What's happening in Southend Matt? I'm in Cornwall!
  5. Yeah because shooting people is a good idea?! Do you have any idea how much damage a bullet causes? Not only may it kill someone it would put massive strains on hospitals that would have to remove shrapnel etc. IMO you shoot to kill to stop killing others e.g shoot a madman on a rampage or a terrorist, no need to shoot rooters especially when most are young!
  6. In case you didn't realise that video is completely serious and really does help!
  7. Yet again savaloy and chips as were lazy!
  8. The geo that suits you! And no
  9. What ever one suits YOU better, we can't choose?
  10. Check the date this was posted
  11. Spaghetti bolangnese fo' dinner
  12. Talking about Halo 4 it's not developed by bungie, IMO they were one of the best developers around.
  13. I had chicken arrabiata or how ever it's spelt, was nice and had a good fieryness!
  14. I had savaloy and chips so unhealthy yet again!
  15. What about when you kick wont that weaken the cable ties?
  16. People need to post a pic aswell you lazy sods!
  17. ^This That and I also said tonight Edit: really George! I meant Muel's post!
  18. Everyones said about the pedals but what about the sprocket also?
  19. Bam. I lied two fried eggs!
  20. What are you having for dinner tonight? Was it nice? Was it shite? Im having sausage, chips, beans and a fried egg
  21. I've used a trialtech one, they're nothing special pretty much all square tapers are the same design and construction. It will be fine but when you can upgrade to Isis its worth doing.
  22. Top five airbuses because I can: Airbus A320 Airbus A330 Airbus A330MRT Airbus A400M Airbus A380 That's boring I know.
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