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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. I go gym at least 4 times a week and do a different muscle group each time so should be into a winner!
  2. Creatines gonna help for the extra reps so will help build I suppose! The price isn't too bad and that's still reasonable considering the price of more 'branded' products!
  3. Suppose so but it's a lil bit of a help!
  4. Would both be like worth it though or just stick to one or the other? At the moment I have my protein Total protein, the carbs are pretty low in it and I'm pretty skinny so could do with more carbs so might try their hurricane xs when this is finished and combine it with BCAAs to increase mass
  5. What about protein shake and BCAAs at the same time?
  6. Anyone taken BCAA tablets? (Branch chain amino acids) A mate has been taking them and reported good effects in growth and recovery. How ever he said you can't stop taken them sort of once you've started, and the dosage is 6 tabs at once for the brand he takes. What would happen if you stopped a course of them?
  7. Low Jamie, low! I'm joking sorry to hear that! But glad youve made the first step!
  8. Sorry to bring it up but is she taking the piss? Hasn't she been texting people already, what did she say exactly? That'd piss me off she's done that to you and had the cheek to comment on that!
  9. If she means that much go back, I hate the term crawling back but if she's gonna make you happy and she's worth it then I don't see why you wouldn't give in, just tell her Jamie, tell her!
  10. Ahaaa that'd be telling, and she's jailbait you filthy perv
  11. Indeedy! It's either really happy perfect (say that with irony) jade or devil moody jade! The look she gave Skoze when she met him for the first time was a look of hatred, that pissed me off and embarrassed me!
  12. Bitch, girl I'm seeing has a dance show at the weekend so I asked her if I could come watch (she says I don't praise her enough for stuff like this). So she says there's no tickets, I asked if she was sure cause I'd like to support her and she went physco moody and was like its not a proper show and it's not local, I was like woah I'm only tryna show that I care by coming and supporting you I thought it would make you happy? She was like its with my mum too so awkward much. Pissed me off I try and make a little effort to make her happy and f**king threw it back at me!
  13. I was just looking about on ebay really, most places sell them for £230-40ish. They look pretty sweet to be fair!
  14. What do you think of this Muel? Could upgrade to 2gb and get it cheaper elsewhere aswell http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/samsung-nc110-netbook-11306296-pdt.html Just realised it is a Nc110 haha! How easy to change the RAM?
  15. LukasMcNeal


    Iyaaaa, quite fancy a little netbook for general facebooking, tweeting, ituning and YouTubing. Would like 2gb of ram ideally I like it to be reasonably nippy. And price is £220 maxish. Dunno where to start though theres so many! And I'd like to run W7 on it too, any recommendations?
  16. For the love of god I hope your not using Internet explorer.
  17. Does the other lad know your texting her? Just think is she worth it at the end of the day!
  18. It's also a way of dealing with things though, for example you've broke up and arent happy etc and seem to be quite a bit down, I'm not saying she's not upset but by speaking to someone new she's taking her mind off the bad things. Girls are like that they'll move on like nothing then realise what someone meant to them. I'm not saying that's the right thing to deal with it but gotta be better than being down in the dumps. Although I'd agree with the not looking thing, that's fine in a relationship but I'd say no not in one, it's given you another reason to feel down when you need to pick up. Sorry if I seem a but negative though!
  19. It's sometimes good on riders who go big such as TRA you get to 'feel' like the move they're going through and experience it because most people wont even ride as big as him for example. Although I can't say it's for everyone and a whole vid of just that would do my nut in. It's nice as a few short clips to break stuff up!
  20. Girls are bitchy though! Look at it this what though if she bitches about people to you that generally means she trusts you no? But on the other hand shes likely to bitch about you. Just pork her
  21. As in she's actually a bitch or she's a bitch about being more than friends?
  22. How do you know that there's no intentions? What makes you feel like that?
  23. I thought it was the LED lights flickering and maybe due to the camera settings as they filmed in the snow
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