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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. I normally do chest and tris mon, legs tues, back weds, and shoulders and bis Thursday. Roughly that is but I just fancy a change. Edit: oh and mike everyone started somewhere, aslong as you're a good gym goer I.e. Re rack and don't use 74 sets of dumbells at once no one will care!
  2. Whats peoples routines on here? Think I'm gonna mix mine up and hit chest and back on the same day and put it in twice a week
  3. Seems you don't have a good connection.
  4. That took a while! Was it fully comp? Assuming not due to circumstances, sucks though man.
  5. Is that your van that was stolen a while ago?
  6. I half thought that was gonna be a scare video, the Internet has scarred me.
  7. Muscle food doing 5kg of chicken for £19 or 10kg for £38 if you use the code code SILLYPRICE, just ordered some myself.
  8. Some trainers have big heel such as nike roshes and they make you lean forward which is bad for squatting and your overall balance of the movement. Try it with and without shoes and see what you prefer, without shoes you can feel more stable sometimes.
  9. 8/10... You know the rules!
  10. Just freeze the rest though, I know what you mean it seemed strange to me too but they pack it with these frozen gel things and its actually rather good.
  11. Why not its really good! I think its 75p at my local asda for their own brand but a bit more elsewhere bar lidl and aldi.
  12. Personally I like tuna and can eat it out the can easily, but chicken is roughly a similar price if you buy non super market. For example a tin of tuna is about £1 and I get chicken off muscle food for £25 for 5kg, which is about 20-25 fillets. Then each fillet is about a pound and per fillet you get 44g of protein. But for convenience there's nothing like tuna or a shake.
  13. If you don't like it definitely eat something else! Much easier ways to get gains than to eat bad food. Suppose you could mix loads of shit in like bbq sauce or beans in.
  14. Tuna is actually the king of gains roughly around 28g protein per tin and its tasty as fook!
  15. Not sure what's worse the fish eye or the cat.
  16. What happened in the end then did paypal sort it out for you?
  17. I actually had to google what that meant lol.
  18. I know this is out of stock here but depending how rounded they are this can help a bit. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Aircraft-Screw-Fastener-Removal-Friction-Drops/dp/B00BFEJY5W
  19. Really love that RS4 more pics please!
  20. That NSX is naughty! Gran turismo memories right there.
  21. Throwing bike when they dont nail a move
  22. It's exactly like Black Friday but just named differently so they can do it another day
  23. I work at Asda and we are doing green Saturday tomorrow, luckily I'm also at college so I missed today but I'm working tomorrow so cant wait for all the helmets fighting over very average stuff!
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