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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Hardly athread that going to help anyone is it and he isnt going to get validated over it.. is he?
  2. Its russian use google translator
  3. actually too nice to ride i would absoulutly cry if i got a scratch look beaut though!
  4. Or he might have some money or a job that he saved up to buy new parts
  5. oh my god that bike looks sleek :king: king of the ko's
  6. Vee brakes have water in them ?
  7. I love them hope trials barkes not as good as my dogs bark but still good
  8. oh my god an extra 31g end of the world! 499g for the tryall and 530g for the echo
  9. Hi i went to egypt about 3 days ago for 2 weeks i wouldnt advise riding there traffic is terrible you get honked by a taxi every 5 secs and the cars could knock you off a they wouldnt care. 2nd thought the police wouldnt care about you riding cos they care about nuffin!
  10. Then he can post pictures Thats if he gets validated un like Callum-Luvs-Trials who made a silly mistake
  11. Differences are a mod has smaller wheels (20 inch) is generally lighter and easier to throw about and a stock is bigger (26 inch) but if you cant decide get a 24inch trials bike
  12. Built in lights so you dont get nabbed by the police for not having them
  13. Perfect answer Also your not going to get validated with that spelling thans guys just wounderd if yu thought t would look cool <-- That should be Thanks guys just wondered if you thought it would look cool
  14. Please tell me you didnt get validated by posting this?
  15. Added them answers just for you!
  16. NMC was and now in with all the rest LOL so simple like the website haha!
  17. Just to help. If you want to get validated quicker write in more detail it sure helps!!
  18. I ride a mod but i still want one looks sick
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