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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Hes been riding on that for a week. no need to be harsh. keep it up mate you will soon improve
  2. Allo allo, What do we have here then?
  3. LukasMcNeal

    Xmas Presents

    chocolate, lee evans dvd , iron man dvd , pure (36o game ) and many monies (£.£) \__/
  4. Youtube Video -> Original Video
  5. Just listened i thought it was okay. but really there was no big emphasis you would expect to find in the build up or it the middle
  6. Brand new packard bell imedia x2416 says :
  7. Ok heres a template for reviews (Film Title) Entertainment 0/5 (comment?) Acting 0/5(comment?) Effects 0/5(comment?) Storyline 0/5(Brief outline?) Comment: The day the earth stood still Entertainment 4/5 Does the purpose of entertaining nothing special though Acting 3/5 Keanu Reeves was playing a human alien and was pretty much emotionless throughout Effects 5/5 Effects were excellent and wernt overused Storyline 3/5 Alien/human(keanu reeves) says we dont own the earth and says that we are not treating it right, small battle. all ends happily ever after! At first the film starts like war of the worlds and then it comes into something of its own with an alien thats in a humans body. Its quite thrilling although some points you think something is going to jump up and scare the hell out of you but it never does. so it could be a bit more scary then again it is a 12a. Overall I would recommend seeing this film as it is entertaining.
  8. Spotted a good game post it! Why because I cant find any good games
  9. Erm... Yes whatever you think is right spode! Remeber dont just think of yourself Edit: Still thiking of a comeback?
  10. Not exactly funny? What if your ride got stolen.
  11. And there used to be a time where you would post and it would be almost an instant reply now its just not the same
  12. No, Dont be silly its the window/sys32:tryintopissyouoff/Youtubenotworkyvirus(cry) or your internets buggerd
  13. I Wondered that but sometimes nothing comes up and i get it on most vids
  14. +1 (Not as in £ per person )
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