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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Anyone see that ferrero roche bloke he was embarassing!
  2. Caged are probably better in wet or muddy conditions. But plat are stronger and for dry conditions
  3. Stranger: hi You: hello m or f Stranger: i farted You: bloke then and You: hello m or f Stranger: both Stranger: pre op trannsexual Stranger: how are you? You: ?
  4. Nice riding adam, you seem better on the zhi. But i hate the music
  5. Has anyone played flight control? Its really addictive. What are youre top scores? mine is 88planes
  6. any free ipod video convertors that are quick and dont put demo(lite... etc) all over your film?
  7. Didnt tell me about the xtp adam grrr
  8. Bollocks i thought it was real
  9. I know it doesnt need its own thread but its a pretty historic event and itll be a bit annoying to keep clicking on BOTI rather than RSC and vice versa
  10. Go on test connection or enter The WEP Key for the router
  11. What colour is the light on the back of the dongle?
  12. If you mean its gonna stop people watching porn; No
  13. Erm.. http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/partspecs....KIT102472BB1067
  14. Wheres best plce to get talismoon fans? and a tuorial on how to change a case
  15. Same mine arrived tuesday 17th but still waiting for it to come back though.
  16. Be less tall. I'm 13 and im 6ft WTF?
  17. This is on the news, apparently they have had to take part of it down go on this http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/.../image/28702326 its got some good pictures, and some bad
  18. Got there pretty quick! Also what airport has it flown from?
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