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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Link isnt working it should be like this http://s636.photobucket.com/albums/uu85/jo...p;lt;/a>
  2. Surely they must be rapairable otherwise they would be a bit costy?
  3. I cant believe they have snapped in that place usually they snap at the top. http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/1271169/ (not my bike)
  4. Yerh I agree ditch the freewebs and it will look much more professional
  5. Exactly just be helpful the mods are hardly going to validate someone who's only every posts are cocky and just slating abuse at someone
  6. Try googling the codec you need e.g avi codec etc... Then install it. That should probably sort it.
  7. Thankyou, some people have sense
  8. You just told me and also where else have you see. A bodged bb with ductctape?
  9. All you had to say was nice try with the bodge . And also how else would he tell people about this if he didn't make a thread?
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...teeth-cola.html This could be useful
  11. I know ant actually owned him, For the bloke it was a FML moment
  12. A beefy czar frame would be mint
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