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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Your a f**kin legend sir!
  2. It was on how its made: and it was a tumble dryer type machine
  3. Anyone know what song in the video is from 1:12 to 1:30 (the bleep song thingy) Youtube Video -> Original Video
  4. True but luckily I didn't fall for it.
  5. Before I start I will say that I'm typing this off my iPod touch so excuse me for mispellings. Anyway there has been a scam recently about 10000 free microsoft points being given to each person who goes to a certain weblink. This weblink looks like the xbox website and asks you to sign in. After that I'm not sure what happens but they log your username/gt and pword. There are several outcomes of which have happened to my friends 1. Account has been charged £85 for the 10000 ms points 2. The accounts password is changed by the hacker and sometimes the credit card details stolen and then anything can happen. This scam has also attemped to be linked with coca cola. So the only thing you can do is don't accept the link. If you think this has happend to you phone microsoft asap.
  6. Am I seeing deja vu?
  7. Is it me or is jack a really common name now? and then people are adding a jack+number combo. Why????????
  8. http://www.miniclip.com/games/stop-swine-flu/en/
  9. Just have peoples normal names e.g. Bob Jones then they cant change and its all simple. almost
  10. on my Ipod im quite impressed with the QWERTY layout even though the letters are closish together it always hits the right letters
  11. Previous names in sig For the win!! Why also is for the win in abv form e.g. lol. blocked?
  12. Good news (not meaning to sound like james may!!) theres a new vimeo embedding tool you can use now so it looks like: Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  13. I would see if you could find a similar or same lock then cut your bike free and place the same/similar lock in the same place as it was. Then the next day go to try and pay the fine and they'll be confused as there's an intact lock but not your bike
  14. A torx screw im guessing? Like this
  15. Cant have foward/backward slashes
  16. Trials sucks I like balls?I win
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