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Everything posted by LukasMcNeal

  1. Adams try-all hopes = WIn!
  2. My party trick is my arm is double jointed!
  3. Because bikes a sister brand to neon and ive only heard bad things about neons?
  4. They are utterly useless. Yet you have had any problems with them?
  5. In terms of brands: echo/deng are for street bashers. Monty and koxx are more competition brands.
  6. Not suprised you was bruised mate that was a savage snap. Like you said lucky you wernt doing 10 pallets.
  7. I suggest you look at the BB section on tartybikes and find a suitable square taper bottom bracket because they don't make tappier BBs.
  8. Have a quick go at the BB with a BB Tool to make sure its as tight as can be. Take care though because you dont want to strip the threads!
  9. It'll have much better hold when doing big moves but theres no need to grind its just better overall!
  10. You grind you rims for better brake performance because there is more friction between pad and rim because of the rough surface. Pros: Better brake Better in the wet Better bite Cons: Your damaging the rim (in a way) Pads dont last as long.
  11. Yeah I know this was a bit of an unfair poll but I wasn't sure which ones I should get. When I get my bike.
  12. This Is why Hannah should be admin!
  13. That's the reason it put him off! Read the thread.
  14. You can always buy a booster and a booster isn't essential
  15. I'm on my 2g at the moment plus it does have wifi on 1st gen it's quite quick aswell.
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