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gu trials

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Everything posted by gu trials

  1. some good pictures there , that rail ride looked good
  2. that was really good few clips , good riding and them gaps are huge good riding mate
  3. some really goot photos there, what camera are you using ? looked a good ride and some big riding
  4. i wouldnt know mate, i found the website and my mate was interested in getting an 05 pitbull but i wanst sure about the site as i only just found it and posted it here to see if anybody knew anything about it.
  5. that is really good, i wounder what the full build looks lke ?, that must of taken alot of time to do that, looks really cool at the end though
  6. try the marino then with your own custom size of frame and everything, its worth a try is you have a small choice
  7. i thought the 08 gu typhoons are ment to snap or crack easy aswell. u should build your own frame or make a custom marino but ask them to build extra support in it
  8. ye i dont have any money now as i bent my bars and had to buy new ones maybe another time ? or blackpool moon rocks
  9. the best thing i can think of is to free download a currency software and put 80cad in and see what that would be in £££'s and then maybe try buying something really cheap, mat smith replied that forks are around £15 so if its that cheap for us then we wouldnt be going into a major dept if we tried something really cheap, the only reason i posted it up was because i thought it was a good find and i know the frames are really rare now.
  10. dont then , do what i do listen to you own music whist watchin a good video and comment the riding
  11. it seems like a faulty weld to be fair, try getting it on warenty and see what they say (who ever you bought it new from)
  12. im not to sure, the website doesnt give a lot of information to be fair, which is why i posted on here before ordering anything
  13. that looks really nice , which cransk are they ? video or clips on it soon /?
  14. thanks for the comments people, i know about the music but i only really make videos to show people i am improving bit by bit
  15. deffenately trialtechs quite light and really grippy
  16. ok cool, good luck and keep us informed
  17. theres a couple of people replied in this topic and they said it seems to be fine and things, so give it a try and feedback in here to what happens please
  18. so is it a legal websirte and not a scam ? i think i might order of there sometime just to see
  19. i dont know anything about it, i just htought it was a good find, only way of finding out weather it is a scam or not is to buy something really cheap and see what happens, if you dont get it then we all know not to buy from here, if it comes in the post then we all know its good
  20. was just searching the internet for different trials shops and i come across this website, it has most old frames and zoo cranks, see for your self and see what you think http://www.biketrialseller.com/category/frames26 thanks
  21. here is my latest video, hope you enjoy http://vimeo.com/6933771
  22. awsome riding there, alot better than your first, you are improving loads, we will have to ride sometime, i have rode liverpool before and now i think i am gd enouth to go back hah, good edit, good riding, good video
  23. KHE anyday, quite heavy and a little deer but you will never snap them, i have had abot 4 now and the only reason i changed them is because they streched to much, they are the best chains in my opinion
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