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gu trials

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Everything posted by gu trials

  1. think ive finished my cirmbo shoppin for the lady now ha
  2. yea cool, come down be good, parking is free right by train station
  3. spme good clips ther mate, hope to see u out some time soon before the weather gets really bad ahha
  4. lol well at least but il end up going over it, it always happens haha
  5. budget not really bothered lol, most girl things really but i duno wt other people are getting her, ino shes gettin purfume of other people so thats of the list, i got her some shoes, pajamas, a calender which she liked and a poster up to now, want to spend about £50 all that has come to £36 so really i have £14 left ha
  6. still dont really no what else to get her
  7. lol stayed a secret a long time keiran
  8. gu trials

    Mikey C

    bit of a random video lol, that gap to the middle of the road looks big , how far is it ? that sidehop was big aswell
  9. i dont have a clue what im buying lol, i just buy it because i no she likes it ha
  10. looks good that mate, would change the forks to black ones though, i think it would look better for some strange reason looks good though and something nice to ride
  11. gu trials


    maybe becuse ur kappa legends died and ur kappa 3000's got filled with blood ?
  12. i actually like the black zoo frame think it looks kinda cool , but ye i would get a profile/ king and a KHE chain then it wil look good and be safe to ride lol
  13. It feels small when I ride, don't so much get back pains, but I get sore wrists after a while, feels like I put lots of weight on my hands.
  14. that was awsome and for a good cause, im not surprised how knackered he was at the end ,
  15. meet emlyn hughs across the road from train station at about 10-11 me gaz rob jonny ciaran josh matty add your names
  16. thanks, i got them today from new look lol
  17. is it a long or a short frame ? seems like a short either that or you are bigger than you look on the pic , i would possibly try a longer frame/ higher bb rise frame and then if you stil look like a giant on a mini then go stock
  18. my gf wants sum of them silver dolly shoes, any ideas where to get them in a normal town centre ?
  19. buy an helicoil kit, they arnt the strongest things on earth, as inserts are stronger and harder to strip hope i helped
  20. if you are that bothered about it being more in price why dont you price match ?
  21. i saw this before and thought it was a monty/ onza with zoo stickers on it lol, bet theres very few of them around now
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