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gu trials

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About gu trials

  • Birthday 12/03/1991

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    zoo lynx black and silver :)

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    music, trials, eatin, sleepin, drinking
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Trials Master (5/9)



  1. As far as im aware tarty adam made some a few years back and they wernt the best idea ever had ? http://hub.chainreactioncycles.com/latest-news/ride-carbon-disc-rotors/ wonder what the difference between adams and these are and if they actually work
  2. how far roughly would you say the drive is from radfest to south end ?
  3. Hi, me and gaz are thinking of going radfest getting the weekend ticket but maybe travel about to ride south end or any where else close by one of the days if its nice weather so not in radfest all weekend, anybody got any ideas of good places to ride close to radfest ? be good to maybe hit a few spots up since its a 4 hour drive each way for us
  4. my 2 new bikes for 2016 zoo python 2005 monty kamel 221 2016 both
  5. few clips of gary on the rockman from last couple rides on it
  6. i prefer that technique as i get more flick with the back end of the bike in the air
  7. few of my last clips on this frame, hope you enjoy
  8. few of us are riding blackpool and cleveleys to hit 2 birds with 1 stone, anybody is welcome to join, probably meet at moon rocks at 10-11 ish, any questions reply to this and il answer soon as i can.
  9. Video i made earlier this year, forgot to upload it sooner than this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPm2LF16b7o enjoy
  10. i looked into getting black cranks but was desperate so i just settled for them, got the tnn brake clamps on fron tn rear so in person they do go with it abit
  11. wasnt keen on ffw after using a king for soo long, so got it modified to fit the M5 and it rides soo much better. only 1 in the world with a king ? [/url
  12. liverpool today albert docks about 12.30
  13. what time do u finish mate ? or pull a sicky haha
  14. few of us are going to carlisle tomorrow if any body wants to come out ? trainstation carpark about 11am
  15. new frame new video enjoy
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