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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. The idea of being validated is that you can ask your questions in Trials chat. And leave us Retards alone in Nmc.
  2. O shit. I think I will save alot of hassel and just buy new ones.
  3. I think you should start using Trials Chat. Your a member now stop posting in NMC.
  4. Thanks for the helpfull advise. Will give it a crack tomoz.
  5. Thanks. I know about the effort and that but still dont know how to strip em down. Is it the same way in the wiki?
  6. Skegness. Great natty and street. Going to have massive ride in summer hopefully.
  7. I dont know what shot-penned means that why I'm asking. Does anyone know what shot-peened means?
  8. Unfortunately your search didn't return any results. Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search. Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apples'. That what it comes up with And the only one the wiki has is that one which leaves a crap finish. Any other sugestions?
  9. I was wanting to strip my Try-all replica bars down to silver. The problem is I dont kinow how to do it. Does anyone know how to do it and give a good finish? Thanks.
  10. Mybe this will help shave some weight of your bike? *Trying to upload picture of angle grinder but it wont let me anymore.*
  11. Thats because your Gay Mike. Hope this helps.
  12. I can see in Britans got talent 2009 nearly every single Trials biker on this forum that has read this will be going to auditon for it? Tell me if you are?
  13. What do you expect when you have to wait for mods to viev your post before it can be posted and then 3 days later nothing has still been done? And after commenting on there profiles they still dont do anything.
  14. Me being a twat. Now am back with the new members. :$
  15. I have got to say the Echo tryes have my vote. My maxxis didnt last very long and when the went bald they had no hold or anything. The echo tryes are a harder compound then the maxxis tryes, that means that they wont be as soft or as sticky as the maxxis but will last alot longer. My echo tryes seem to be springy aswell, Makes gaps abit easier. Hope this helps
  16. I think you should have black cranks, Strip bars silver and the frame, Polish it up and keep forks black aswell as stem. That would look great. Pics when you get it finished aswell. Thats a "if" you get it finished
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