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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. I just watched 5 spins. Yay. How many you lot watched?
  2. Yay "your mom" jokes. This is going to be a fun topic. Redtube is cool. On there last night.
  3. he already knows your I.p address match. So the point of doing that was? Now both of your account are goin to be banned.
  4. I dont understand why he didnt upload onto his normal account?
  5. I call mine a HE. The cnc holes near the headhube are great.
  6. Oh my god spamage. Ban? He can be my friend in new members chat forever.
  7. Couldnt be arsed to read the lot but it was making sence to me the first couple of paragraphs. This will help a lot of people. You put alot of descriptive stuff in there. Validation?
  8. Lets all enter as one massive group. Simon:What are you lot here for Us: Were here to be kwl on bikes with no seat and squeaky brakes. Simon:So what do you actually do then? Us:You say jump, We say how high. Simon:Is that it? Us: We can also put wipped cream on our nippels and you can lick it off? And if we dont get in then we can let Danny Kearns at him.
  9. +3 I hate the wet. Brake is alrite in the wet thow so only do some small little things.
  10. No buyin or sellin in NMC. You will have to make a few good post's and then you will be able to use the forum for buying and selling. And if it's a T-pro you will have to have a 19" rim.
  11. Shut the f**k up. Whats it got to do with you? I was only leaving him what i thought will make his bike look pimp.
  12. And I gave you a simple replie. You moan that all the other dont work but when I say something It's No.
  13. Dont do it. Now we can all hear about you maoning more.
  14. Spit on your bars and down the grips. Then leave them to dry for a while.
  15. Are you using them on a light grinded rim? My mate did and they lost alot of life. They are them sort of pads that when you get to the middle of the pads they turn crap aswell. Try them on smooth rims first.
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