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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. Try-all is lighter but if your after a strong rim you will want the Echo, You will have to gain some weight thow.
  2. At the moment I'm using A try-all stem wich is 165x40* on my Ko-bike with Zoo! forks. At the moment it is to hig for me and I was wondering what stems you surgest? Im wondering if a Team stem will go good with my bike?
  3. You dont get validated for moaning either.
  4. Where about in Lincolnshire do you live?

  5. Where about to you live in linconshire?

    I live in skegness.

  6. Ok I've been off the forum for over 1 hour now and I'm still not laid. How much longer will it take?
  7. If your after a long I would go for deng models and also the deng shorts are great. All Deng products are good and strong. Most of the new frames also have a copy made with a rear disk mount. Look pimp aswell. You might want to wait a lil bit longer aswll for the complete 08 range to come on sale. Hope this helps.
  8. My rim can't even take a harsh grind. It can only do a sharp light grind. Which goes dead in like 2 days. Stupid viz rims. Butr I do admit Neco pads are the best pads I have ever used. Amazing bite and hold. Loud alswell. Gave me loads of convidence.
  9. Callum appears to be offline. Any messages sent will be recived when the contact next signs in.
  10. He's on a scale of 9/10 now then. Can I have some advice on how to be so cool? Trials Chapy what?
  11. I said you have my vote to be validated. But if you can't even understand a simple sentence, Then you have lost my vote.
  12. If you know Danny so well, Whats his second name? And Daniel why not?
  13. Ok thank you very much. You should really be validated. He got my vote.
  14. He means he thinks he's cool by laughing at me. Danx=Cool.
  15. I love you Daniel. When you coming back to Skegvegas. I miss you. xx
  16. I'm being sarcastic to the little twat I'm talking to.
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