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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. Well what do you expect? Lee is one of my best friends to ride with. I know he cant afford new bike and stuff and he rides what he is given. But all people do is take the piss.
  2. Shut up Muel. Not everyone can afford what other people can. Lee tries his hardest to actually get a good bike which he can ride. I dont know why people laugh at him for trying to actualy trying to do the sport, Whch he can do very good on any bike. He could back wheel my waist height on his bike which impressed everyone, No one else could even do it on there top spec bikes.
  3. A older model of the T-pro, The 05/06 models are great, they come with maguras, Front and back And drilled rims front and back. I would surgest to go on ebay and look around. They is always loads on there. Or wait till your validated, Which I think will be pretty soon, And post on clasified, they is always cheap 20" going on here with top notch spec. You may have to pay a lil' bit more.
  4. I have to say I dont think that is right. When I had cnc backings my brake hardly flexed and now I have Koxx browns with plastic backings it flexe's like a bitch. I can also feel it as well. only my opion.
  5. You can use Top-cap bolts instead of your rounded off funbolt. If you go into your local bike shop they will have loads of them.
  6. Sorry but I really cant understand what you just said. Can you edit your post, Think about what your going to say and put as much description into it as possible please.
  7. Because were not a super pro like somepeople.
  8. Steve I have a favour. Is it possible to get Snowys cut to Cnc backings? I have some cnc backings sat in my room and really want to use them agian. I'm also intrested in snowys but I cant be bothered to take them out of the backings, trim them and then glue them back into cnc backing. Is it possible to do that for me? Will pay good money.
  9. Was this a piss take or something? All it was was a lad falling off and then using the clip agian but slowing it down
  10. In the summer holidays. I'm staying from Friday till Monday. Dont know which weekend yet. Il have to find out.
  11. Contact TomTurd about advertisment on Trials-Forum. But sounds like a good idea.
  12. What bike do you ride? I met a couple of people last year. Just wondering incase I remember you.
  13. Really like the Pr. Looks like it rides nice aswell. But the onza, , It looked like it will ride crap and it looked horrible. just my opinon.
  14. Muel I wasnt taking the piss. I just found it funny that when anything comes up in this thread about losing weight, you say hmmm and put a little smilie face. Sorry dude if you took it personaily.
  15. Get a Photo Bucket account and do it that way. Lot better aswell. Just copy and paste the image code.
  16. Muel = Weight whore. End of discussion. And can everyone stop uploading pictures of bikes that have been drilled and cut to save weight, before Muel end's up killing himself.
  17. Sound's good. Il out gap you thow. No not really.
  18. Ok I went there last year on a family holiday and I noticed a group of trials bikers down there on the seafront. My family is goin agian this year, but I'm taking my bike this time. Is they anyone on the forum who rides in great yarmouth? Who will be willing to meet up and ride?
  19. Like I said were a "caring" Forum
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