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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. Just some pics of me and Sir Koxxy last night. Not many pics of me.
  2. I have stuck it out for a long time now. For the 100th time I know I was wrong. I have made good posts and some good topics as well. ( They don,t count the last 50 I have made in this post.)
  3. But would'nt you if you was stuck in NMC? I was only asking because I am fed up of being in here. I know what I did was wrong.
  4. Dont you think If it was me I would be using it because it is a full member account? Ip check will prove everything. I think we shall make a bet. If it is me. Permanent ban. If it isnt, Validation.
  5. I havent always been a Pre-member. I was a twat and now I'm back in the "Pit" And Muel, I have proved that I can be good agian in NMC, I was put in here as a punishment, And now it is driving me insane. I need new stuff for my bike and need to sell stuff. I really am pissed.
  6. What link? I tried it like two days ago.
  7. Yes mate, everyone has seen that. I know I was a bellend and I have said I was sorry. It just takes the piss that all everyone ever thinks about is the stuff you did in the past. Trials- forum use a new system where you have to register your email and then they send you a validation code in a email to the email you sign up with. If you have one account, It says" Another user is using this email" You then make a new email and try agian. You never get a email with a vaildation code through.
  8. Ow my god you just said it agian. Reported. Only joking I tried what you said but I havent recived the email saying I can now use it. if you get what I mean.
  9. I didnt actually mention the word fanny at all. I mention many other words. Btw. Validate me. Please
  10. It could be. We all know you have the power. Please.
  11. I was out earlier, but now it is cold. Inside my house = Warm
  12. It could be. We all know you have the power. I have proved I can be reponsible agian , Havent I?
  13. And I've done that but nothing has ever been done. I tried speaking to Tom, But he never gets back to me.
  14. I am actally propa pissed of at myself for what I did now. Really want to use the forum agian Pleaseeeeeeeee.
  15. I dont want to be part of the club. Please.
  16. Haha Ledgend You and your ip checker. And on another note. Validation for me? Please. I'm actually begging now.
  17. Adam you gay. I promise I will be good agian. I wont spam agian. I want to actuall;y use the forum agian. Pretty please.
  18. Its say's it in the New Members read here. The rules. And Mikes validation. Btw. I will be good member agian:)
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