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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. Braided hose makes it better through I don't really care what it looks like, it make's it better.
  2. Now with a Braided kit. Ow so sexy. validate me
  3. He's my brother. he wants to get into Trials. So i got him to join.
  4. Make sure that you tell them what kind of bike it is in a detailed way, because I got my old bike stolen and tried to claim on my insurance which I payed every month, But when I tried they turned round and said that they could'nt give my money back because it was a " Special Bike" Just thought I would warn you.
  5. Sorry if i'm wrong with this , But isnt a ronnie rim the thinest rim for a 19" you can get?
  6. Erm.......No. How would you like to be stuck in NMC?
  7. I have just noticed I have the award for Biggest Moaner on the Forum.
  8. Why should I "shhh", That all that people tell me to do and I will be validated agian. I stay low for a while ansewering people's post's and sticking to the rules, And what happens, Nothing. I'm still in here. And when it comes to me asking "Why?" All I get is Shhhhh, "Your in here because you was a Twat", I know I was put in here for a reason, As a punishment, But I have been sticking to the rules.
  9. Sorry but how have I been a "Cock end" ? I know I was a "Cock end", That was why I'm in here, But how have I been a "Cock end" since?
  10. Sorry, But is they much more going on in NMC which I can comment on? Really.
  11. Let me be the first to welcome you to the forum, Follow the rules/ Guidelines and hopefully you will be out of here soon and into Full members chat.
  12. oh my god thats your first bike That is a great way of starting asnd hopefully you will improve fast. Best of luck with the riding aswell.
  13. I've just had mine done at my local vinyl etc. shop. Gave me them for free aswell. Had it in what ever style/Font I wanted.
  14. You think you have been here for along time. I'm still here:) (This is where the thread turns into a "validate callum thread")
  15. Another good cooment by somebody. See I told you to get echo tryes
  16. Why do you just delet my comments and never replie?

  17. If you have'nt been able to do it yet, my offer is still here.
  18. Can I just ask, How have you to go 3 squares and your still not validated? I know I have 4 but I nearly had that when I was a member, Then i got put back in here. Back to topic. Just comment on Tom's page he'll get back to you. If not, wait untill your validated so you can do it yourself, But think carfully beacuse that names stays with you for the next 6 months I think, Correct me if I'm wrong.
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