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Everything posted by Callum-Luvs-Trials

  1. It's "Da Wall", it's a random wall on top of a building
  2. Can I suggest using the search next time, they has been allot of topics about this recently. But from what I have heard about them they are ok, the 26" ones explode and these are the same Paws/ spring engagement thing as what they do as them. Just use the search and find out for yourself. Also remember the saying: King for the win.
  3. They is a reason, what is the point of a TPA really? it isn't for help setting up brakes it is for when you are out on a ride and your pads are starting to wear and can easily be adjusted with any need of re-setting up your brake. Tap’s do last along time if you use them properly so they is no point making them with metal ones included for cost reasons.
  4. Hello Mr. Brick wall, how you doing today? *Ow wait am talking to a brick wall, it can't reply.
  5. I really liked that; it was really good editing at the beginning as well, side-hops were huge.
  6. Thanks for the advice/ help Mark Now does anyone know about the lens?
  7. Hello, I'm hopefully getting a wide angle lens for my Fujifilm S5700. I have looked around and I have found this on eBay: Look here. I don’t really know much about Lenses so your advice would be good. Also have any of you brought any items from this seller, seeing as it is Hong Kong I’m not really that sure. If anyone else knows a website where I can get a 46mm lens which will fit my Fujifilm S5700 that would also be good. Thanks for all your help in advance Callum.
  8. Hello, welcome to this kind forum. I hope you like your stay in NMC while it lasts, just keep to the rules and you will be validated in no time. Have fun.
  9. I might come out, Depends on how well I feel. If not I'll just come out and get some photos.
  10. I certainly will do, that’s because you asked so nicely .
  11. Here you go. Just had an operation a couple of days ago so not able to ride for a while, full video will e started as soon as I feel better
  12. Haven’t mentioned validation for a while now, and being sarcastic about spelling was what I got 60% for. I have also started to put more effort into posting and topics after 40% now this is my last chance I think I will behave my self more. I do believe it was boredom.
  13. But that's no reason to warn me though. Edit: Would also really like to say something here, but then I would have 100%
  14. I have recently been added another warn level for Flaming and that took my warn to 60%, which it said I had earlier Just had a look on my profile and it now says I have 80%. Looked for the reason and it said "Other- Meh", that was what Obm Warned me for. Wtf? I understand getting a warn for what I did a couple of days ago, but that is just out of order really
  15. Always start your sentence with a capital letter Lol
  16. woops but am takin every1s advice and givin up tryin 2 gt validated.
  17. its summer thow so it wil be ok tanks for al you help
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