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About Nickkkkk

  • Birthday 02/12/1992

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    United Kingdom

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Nickkkkk

    TRA noEscape

    So good! I'm just getting back into trials too. Love that bike!
  2. guys got some talent but for me it was like watching a watered down mark Webb vid...
  3. I never said the same, i said like. Both the viscosity of water and magura oil are capable of a snappy brake feel (why would they sell it if it was to thick and didn't offer good performance for the system)? If your bleeding with oil and it still feels at all spongy, then you have air in the system.
  4. If you get the knack for bleeding properly you can get magura oil to run in the brake system so that it gives a good brake feel (like water). I found running the system with water, (before i learnt how to bleed properly) just caused the brake to seize up over a few months... Your best bet is to practice bleeding with a higher viscosity oil.
  5. Great vid, that last line looked hella scary.
  6. Ross noble's gotta be one of the most natural comedians going.
  7. Nickkkkk

    Nick Scott

  8. hi there, i noticed your selling a gu typhoon 06, could i just ask what make of forks you have? and also what kind of bottom bracket.


  9. anyone know if you can put a link from ebay to sell a bike in the for sale section?

  10. liked that alot, squeakers were awesome
  11. nice vid man, starting to look abit big on that 20" though
  12. This is what trials is about!
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