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Ben H!

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Everything posted by Ben H!

  1. hi there everyone which disc brake pads would you reccomend for a hope monty brake because mine have just about had it thanks
  2. me too i think it looks sick
  3. hope's i don't think leek had mine for over 3 months and have never leeked once
  4. Magura louise, hope mono mini/trial avid bb7
  5. i'm currently running 18:12 on my mod which i think is the standard gearing
  6. trials central mate have a look through the forum
  7. maxxis high rollers are quite good stock tyres
  8. i currently use the monty one and it seems fine but i am building a new bike and i was wondering which one but i haven't got much money
  9. is it ok with the echo 7075 cnc cranks or does it not matter
  10. hi eveyone which is the best isis bottom bracket and will it fit with the echo 7075 cnc cranks thanks sorry for posting it twice please reply to this one thanks
  11. sorry people posted the topic twice please close
  12. your such a good rider for your age mate i have a 221ti 07 how do you like your new monty kamel is it nicer than the 221 ti

  13. if you ever want to get validated you need to use the spell checker both those pics are mint muel
  14. i hate it when people ask me this e.g ''where is your seat'' my reply '' it's a trials bike it's not meant to have a seat !!'' i really hate it when people ask me this it really annoys me
  15. i would stick to the back maggy mate that's my opinion
  16. the picture has to be a certain size for it to work it should say when you try changing it
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