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brisaboy's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. GODFORBID AT underworld in London!!!!! Tiny event, so we'll be up close!! Hopefully i'll go back stage because my mate knows them quite well!!!
  2. brisaboy

    Band Names

    I am in a heavy metal band, have any band name ideas??
  3. go to www.2pass.co.uk its free and u get both hazard and theory test
  4. i have 1 and its kinda shite. its ok when u get used to it, but its more for street, its kinda heavy and doesnt sit on the rear wheel very well. u could prob get a much better bike for da price, as they are fukin expensive.. BTw i think brisa have stopped tradin in the uk as armstrong bike dock dont sell brisa nemore and i thought they were the only uk importer. My mate says his brisa is a pile of poo 2. lol gd luk
  5. NOt forgetin lil tim rodreguez (however u spell it :P ) and hes a bad ass lil rider!!
  6. Sorry i know this is a trials site, but wonderin if ne1 knows any places that sell easton bmx's? cheers, sam :(
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