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Everything posted by jonny6

  1. there doing all of that with bmx caliper brakes ,which as we all no are completely useless ! just goes to show that all of this "correct pads with the correct grind" is rubbish , Shut up and get on with it like these boys did ! Mucho respecto !
  2. funny you should say that because the first 100 were made of cheese ! Number 92 was an anniversary edition made of brie ! I lay awake at the end of a busy days trialsing and can only dream of being one of those lucky 100 .
  3. yeah feels really short and snappy , im not very tall so im getting on with it a treat !
  4. my recently aquired ebay bargain , £180
  5. im not very good with feet , ok say roughly 8, 9 ft , thing is all the rail drops round my way are mahoosive ! minimum of like 6ft drop to the rail then a 3ft drop from rail to floor . dont know whether to just try it or not !
  6. ok probably more like 10 ft , like a bit bigger that a bus stop roof ,we all know drops dont really take that much skill , hop to the edge , drop front end, kick off and absorb the landing . When you drop to a rail you have got to make sure you dont slip backwards and onto your bashring , go to far over it and land on your ass /back . land perfect and not maintain the front and nose dive off the rail into the floor . see what i mean ! lot more precision involved .
  7. I really want to start learning big drops and big gaps to bars , im not scared of drop offs at all, 10-12 ft is fine for me , throw a bar into the mix and i get a bit worried , i have never been to confident with bars , i can pedal kick across low bars like the ones you chain your bike to , its just the thought of dropping 6ft onto such a small area makes me a little nervous . How would you suggest i build up to a big gap to bar ? what kind of practice should i be doing to simulate the technique ? Or should i just go for it ! Thanks jonny
  8. Firstly id like to say hello to all the regulars as well as the new people , Im jonny from Luton, Bedfordshire im 24 , ive ridden trials for a few of years but stopped about 2 years ago due to family commitments (i.e my son). Over the last couple of weeks ive been searching for a bike on ebay and i found one for a proper bargain. Anyway went for my first ride today , still had loads of moves but just lacked all my balence and timing ! started to get better towards the end though. My whole body is so sore , shoulders ,hands , back . ideally would like to meet up with some people on here to a decent ride , learn some of the new school stuff ! thanks for reading Jonny !
  9. cheers dude ! most helpful !
  10. just tried that and it aint working ! was pushing soooo hard ! how would a shop do it ?
  11. oh ok , no other way of getting it in there ? tried heating the bolt up , big no no ! where would i get them from ? Thanks for replying by the way ! does that really work ?
  12. how do you get the cable to go over the barbed bolt that screws into the piston housing ? My cable snapped just above it , ive cut the old bit off but i cant get the fresh bit over the barbed bolt . help me please !! Thanks guys !
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