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nath-tenby trials

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Everything posted by nath-tenby trials

  1. il text u in the morning to say if wer going or not then you will have my number
  2. hi trials punk me and ozzy are thinking of getting the 10 to 8 train as we have to get the 10 to 2 train back becuase we wont get on the later train beacuse of all the drunks from the game so ozzy wants to meet partz and anyone else about half 9 10 if wer still going il leave a post tomoz at about 7am ok nath
  3. thanks for the replys ther was a lockring but was tolate before i realised and it snaped cog lol how dumb could i get have to order a new one now
  4. hi i was just wondering how do u get the cog of a t-pro hub its a screw on one and i cant get it off can someone please help me!? many thanks nath
  5. nah i aint cuz it wont look as gd bro said and id have to use primer so no point :P so in few months its going up garge and hes guna spray it for me:) but i got a suprise for when u see it next;)

  6. yeah should do im going to put fluro yellow rims on it so should look nice!
  7. is ther any other tensioners i can use that will fit? thanks nath
  8. the best way is to use very fine snad paper i done it last night and the result was amazening all you have to do is get the paint scratched and the new paint will stick on fine thers a pic of how my onza forks turend out
  9. hi i have a onza t-pro and the tensioners bent so i want to upgrade them are the try-all ones any good? thanks nath.
  10. ill be coming, im ozzys mate theres only me and ozzy coming from tenby. should be a good ride though. we are going weather permitted though as we dont want to travel for an hour and 20 miutes to ride in the rain. more people come you know you wana
  11. +1 they do but, i think that you will have a mint t-pro they ride lush get us some pics up soon
  12. this is some of my pictures of me rideing today in carmarthen with ozzy preload sidehop off mid flight 1st pic me mid flight 2nd pic was me loading up for a sidehop off. i would like your views/comments on this pics thanks nath.
  13. i think the onza t-pro is an excellent starting bike, i have had only one problem with the bike so far and that was the rear hub (dont let this put you off mind) its because i didnt no how to look after it but know that i do its all good. t-pros have excellent geometry for learning on and can be upgraded very easily, but are eaqually as good stock really if im being honest just a bit heavier and perhaps not as strong but if your a beginner your not going to be pushing the limits of your bike for a long while, and in the time you have time to upgrade it.
  14. hey im new to the forum but not new to trials, i have been biking for about 5-6 ish months (so still a bit of a newb really ) my mate ozzy said to join this forum as it has all the trials info i will ever need. i ride with a few boys from tenby, i feel my riding gets better ever time i go out, my favourite move is sidehops. im from tenby which has a good range of obsticles ranging from small to pretty big, im still trying to find my ways and unsure over which is better street or natty. i come from a street-dirt jumping background and finally saw the light and started trials,ive gone through a few bikes untill i realised that 20" was for me i have had a a t-raptour (snapped) echo pure was nice but to big.so then this christmas i purchesed a onza t-pro. i have upgraded a few parts so far but the list is forever growing for new ideas to make my bike better-stronger-lighter. so far i have upgraded the forks to some d-b forks (alot better and lighter then onza) the bar to an echo low rise, the stem to one of a d-b. pedals to some v-ps and front wheel to revel rim on gu hub. next upgarde is for a new backwheel. cheers nathen.
  15. wow lush i found u babe ahaha yay =] my echo is the sex ur truley nath

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