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chris slater

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About chris slater

  • Birthday 10/25/1985

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    Atomz AKT II XX, atomz cranks, zoo disc forks, sl rims f+r, sl rear rim brake, hayes nine front, atomz stem, trial tech bars, sl freewheel, creepy's on a diet
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    TRIALS Derrrrr
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Not sure what his name was, off the forum though, i swapped it for my pittbull..
  2. Been out of the scene for some time now, starting to get back into it abit and got a few clips.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5-KM2Aauw
  3. added to msn dude accept me!

  4. people aint interested that ask for pics they are just f'in nosey!

  5. thee cls's channel! i know why its called that lol
  6. I think its much to over the top to be honest! reminds me of a cheesy game show when it first comes on....if it was getting shown on tv it would work but why go through all the effort if not???
  7. More of a lid maybe??
  8. I know yh i was just sayin i had already said there would be more variety in the full vid, and the slow mo is only as far as what you saw due to the music being slow at the start of the track!
  9. Its ok now boys, cheers anyway. i sorted it out!
  10. Ok been getting some clips over the last few days, put it all together using windows movie maker and it just wont save to the computer when completed! Its doing my head in big time now lol My question is....does anyone fancy doing some editing for me if i send the clips i have? Cheers...
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