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Nick Melson

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Everything posted by Nick Melson

  1. hmmmm better on a stock i think but callum when u bail jump off or something dont just fall with the bike lmao
  2. Untill you try doing it on Veteran [were you have to wait for the helicopter to come collet you] its soo hard iv been on that part for about 6months now haha just cant do it/cant be arsed lol Anyone up for cod4,grid,skate2 today or tonight? GT : Nick melson
  3. And show him who's boss for f**king you around if you pay him visit ill come
  4. ill remember not to use a chilled dub step song again Thanks.
  5. Dunno if u have tryed but his mobile number is on his page : 07518364232 Worth a try.
  6. i ride more street than pallets but most of the time when i ride street i forget my cam and i only film when im bored and thats when happen to get most footage.
  7. Ooooohhh starts on my bday woop
  8. Cod4 or skate 2 or grid tonight anyone say 8:00pm? add me Nick melson.
  9. haha i threw it on to the grass haha and thanks
  10. Yeahh it was only a 5min edit. But thanks
  11. somethings on there dont look to bad but why is toad in the hole on there i mean wtf i bet most of us on here have grownup eating toad in the hole lmao but some of the stuff on there is just rank.
  12. ?? how long was i riding or..........?
  13. Thanks And meh was only a quick video. Can work on it for next time
  14. Just been working on this video Started riding again after a years break Been riding for about 2/3 months now Comments please Click mee Song is Caspa & Rusko - way of dub
  15. Have a look here http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=10 they are 20" bikes http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=50 24" bikes http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=47 26" bikes Probably best of starting with an onza or something like that. If you dont have alot to spend on a first bike then when you get validated then you can buy a second had much better spec'd bike of here or try ebay. Were abouts in lincolnshire are you There is a fair few of use around lincolnshire. Skegness , mablethorpe ect........
  16. Beast! Loving his style.
  17. Looks proper smart and stealthy looking.
  18. :$ oopes i put some force into it and the ring came off >.< thanks everyone
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