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Nick Melson

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Everything posted by Nick Melson

  1. Any one want a session tomoz? or tomoz night? add me Nick melson [for 360]
  2. I read that they aint chaining the rules on the party chat as people cheat ect... But they have on mercenary TDM [ which sucks as u cant have partys ] Can on free for all and ground war i think but why on TDM and HTDM. I can see the point in like SND and HSND but there is no tactical play in TDM and HTDM .
  3. Asda is doing it for £30 and i heard Sainsburys is doing it for £26
  4. Its epic shame iv alredy compleated it meh now todo it on hard and vetran haha Online is ace , a couple of maps are way to huge but other than that no complaints Session tomoz anyone? Add me if u want Nick melson Edit: just remeberd only thing that is shitee [ not sure if they will fix it for tmoz as its not properly released blahh blahh] but u cant have a party chat online
  5. Got my MW2 around 9 its f**king epic!!!
  6. I liked that alot , some good riding there
  7. Yeah man still amazing haha yeahh the bruises are nice and yellow and green now haha
  8. Youtube " Heavy dubstep" some prity good shit on there.
  9. No i didnt haha would of be ace if i had snapped it with my face or something lmfao haha yep same Because your a fookin basher
  10. Already beat you to it haha
  11. Yeah my misses was filming so sorry but iv got bruises and grazes across all my chest and both arms lmao
  12. haha there was one in my bag ahaha but it wouldn't of saved my chin though
  13. haha yeahh im fine thanks haha
  14. Or not ride wood when the wood is wet?
  15. Got a nice deep cut on my chin some bruises and grazes lol Have the volume up loud to hear the painful part lmao
  16. Smooth with a tiny bit of tar = beast.
  17. Dont they come with a 10year warrenty?
  18. Because he was/is a willy.Oh how i love the swear filter haha
  19. haha that was soo funny , sucks we didnt get it on film .Most of mine are chain snap gaps but had one pretty funny one a year or two ago about a 4ft wall gap over a bench and break slipped and i went flying haha
  20. That place looks ace to ride. Filming and editing was awsum.
  21. Well maybe if u told us what kind of bike it was could be some help. Make? mod or stock? colour? Area?
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