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Everything posted by TheChai

  1. let me know if people are deciding to ride london later(thursday) am pretty up for it
  2. what time you guys meeting? i could be there around 2? thursday this is
  3. Wanting to get some photos and video clips this time round.. 11 at the sloped walls Tim and me at the moment everyone welcomed, see you there!
  4. friday night sounds good, something like 6 or 7 start?
  5. i am not too sure about the actual geo at the moment, i will edit when i get down to measure it, but it rides great had a couple of decent rides on it now. chain does still slap the top stay, and has made a slight grove, i do believe a thinner chain would help that, like a thin mountain bike one which is probably what they are using in china. both brakes are better then any magura i have used, when i had disk brakes for the first time on my conquer i think i fell in love with them, i had to ride a non disk brake bike for 6 months before i got this bow, so its quite a blessing to be back on them again. I do have a set of martas which i might put on if i start doing competitions more regularly, but the avids are working fine now
  6. Havent been in london with me bike for nearly 3 months! get out and ride boys!
  7. uni is hard stuff man hope things are going alright, we are in the same course remember? pimping bike
  8. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=8999...mp;l=cea11819d9 After losing my initally shipment to Trials-uk, and being out of the trials scene for a while due to end of year exams, Neon has kindly sent me their new bow frame along with stem and bar. Going to be out riding much more over summer ideally make another video or two. The BB on this bike is +75 (quoted of the website), I am still trying to get used to the feel of it, but it certainly doesnt feel too out of place. I believe the frame would be available from Tartybikes pretty soon. Comments would be great For those of you who ride london, i will be out again very soon this weekend even!
  9. some of those side hops looked huge! hope its not just the camera lol
  10. I can't believe trials-uk is still in business after so many complaints. Glad you got your bike, I lost nearly 2 wholes bikes to him... I have complaint to consumers direct but because its an overseas sponsorship i could not legally claim my bikes back. so yea great move by him. But i am sure i am never going to dealing again with someone who has such bad ethics. makes it worst that he was actuallly a friend before. sorry for the rant...
  11. awesome stuff! really enjoyed that
  12. i have got a photo! =D probably of the best thing i did that day as well lol thanks:)
  13. There are two components to this in practice. First component would be the the kicking of the pedal motion from a stationary point. assuming you start from rest. This would just the acceleration from 0- the speed your wheel moves when u pedal, which would result to a force (since force is mass X acceleration). Now this would help a little but I imagine the majority of the force to get you up a curb would come from compressing your body into the ground and bouncing up again. Simply kicking hard on the pedal would get some height, but not much. in which case it would be an impulse (which i believe would be the word you are looking for?). a change in momentum as a result of your body changing its position quickly.
  14. Neon know about the situation, but as Rhino said I am probably their best hope for getting the items back. They have also stopped dealing with Dan. not having a car makes it very impractical to make a personal visit. I will give it a shot though.
  15. But surely that doesn't make it ok for Dan to keep hold of the items? at least send it back to Neon if he isn't going to send them to me? And does me being sponsored by neon not mean that i have the rights over the item? seeing as neon requested from them to be sent to me? Neon are also out of touch with Dan, i am hoping this topic would attract the required attention.
  16. I know you guys are probably tired of this by now. I have got a query though. A couple of months ago (November 2008) Neonbikes (China) sent over a batch of items to Trials-uk intend from me, As someone of you may know I was sponsored by both Trials-uk and Neon at that time. Well it would seem even sponsored riders do not get way from the terrible service. Up till now Dan has not sent me any of the items. I know he has not paid for them and neither have I, But I am currently still sponsored by Neon and still do need to get hold of these frames/forks/stems/bars + accessories. They are not willing to send me a separate batch (again) to cover what is really not their fault. Ideally i just want some kind of way to get hold of the items. Can I report this to trading standards and get my items? I am not too keen on going to his place and taking that much stuff, it would look like a burglary, not only that I would require a couple of hands, which is just annoying since this doesn't have to happen if he would just post the stuff out. Anyway does anyone know where I legally stand? Can I make a report of some sort? Any advice appreciated Thanks Andrew chai
  17. Hi guys, Has anyone found a decent alternative for the eno lockring? one that doesnt get threaded as easily? Would an ACS or any other freewheel lockring fit? ( before i start buying mulitple ones and taking them apart) or a nut of some sort? i would really prefer if it didnt have anything to do with permanent welding. Any help would be great, Trying to service my ENO is proving far too costly =(.. Thanks Andrew
  18. I tired the tool i have in the bike shop i work in, but it doesnt seem to fit in the grooves properly. bolted it up anyway and turned it with a big crowbar, but it just dug into the tabs. The tabs seem to be a bit smaller then the standard freewheel size. Anyone have any ideas on how i can get it off? Ideally wanna be able to use the freewheel again.. the cranks on the other hand can be burnt/sawed etc.. just hopefully not too time consuming.. any ideas would be great Thanks guys
  19. TheChai


    it is definitely a manufacturing fault, chainline would not be straight if spacers were used to push the frame out, This shouldn't be needed anyway, The top stay on the neon is too thick for the chain to run smoothly. I brought this to the attention of Neon as soon as I had the problem and I believe they have sorted out the Bow frame accordingly, However as far as I know, the Bows are currently not in the country yet. (i am also awaiting my new frame). But that is no excuse for Dan not to update you on the order.
  20. havent ridden in a while! me and adam so far, anyone else be out? martin and scottish andy too! 11ish at sloped walls, be there!
  21. didnt know u guy were making another video! good to see u back in it stephen! loved it! made me laugh lol
  22. backgren.. are u riding adds??
  23. maybe up for it with peter, depends how bad friday night is lol pm ur number i wil call if coming.. dont count on it though!
  24. more then happy to! give me a buzz let me know when.. well doneman!
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